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  • caston replied to the topic young and rich in the forum No Subject 19 years ago

    And there all in their 30’s and 40’s?

    What about the 10 richest 20-somethings?

  • caston replied to the topic Anti-aging research in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years ago

    Do NOT take Iodine.

    Direct contact with skin can cause lesions, so it should be handled with care. Iodine vapor is very irritating to the eye and to mucous membranes. Concentration of iodine in the air should not exceed 1 mg/m³ (eight-hour time-weighted average).

  • caston replied to the topic Anti-aging research in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years ago


    Well if the individual parts in the system can be carefully maintained or even replaced then why not?

    The biggest problem though is that once you pass breeding age the *protections* of millions of years of evolution apply less and less until your body may eventually fail from something that had no negative effect on your parents…[Read more]

  • caston replied to the topic When interest rates get too high… in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years ago

    When I was flatting and living on the student allowance, studying and seriously undercharging for PC support and not getting much work (back in about 2002) I would go to a place called “victory for life church” and get a box of food.

    It was quite good and you got a decent amount of food but you needed to eat it within about 2 days because it was…[Read more]

  • caston replied to the topic Commercial wraps and LVR in the forum No Subject 19 years ago


    I’m a self-employed call out computer tech and am sick and tired of working from home and not having a decent office/workshop. At the same time I think commercial rents are slavery.

    I’m more than happy to work very hard as long as I know it going to end up with me (or me and a partner or partners) owning the building even if it takes about…[Read more]

  • caston replied to the topic Financial independence goals in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Do you perhaps wonder how Steve and Dave would have gone if they took a different route to developing their property/income portfolio? If say instead of buying all those residential properties they franchised their accounting business and bought commercial properties for the franchises to rent from them. That way they are selling a license to use…[Read more]

  • caston replied to the topic Adult children living at home in the forum No Subject 20 years ago


    I don’t think it does. It puts you in a better bargaining position but that position is *way* overpriced and you can be so busy/stressed earning the money to pay your overheads that you may not have any time/money left to look for a girlfriend.

    I’ve actually had more girlfriends since I moved back in with my parents. It does look a bit…[Read more]

  • caston replied to the topic Adult children living at home in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    When I originally moved out I only did so because I believed it would be easier to get a girlfriend if I had my own place. That was my only motivation.

  • caston replied to the topic Financial independence goals in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    Good advice.

    I applied for a job recently and in the description it said they were specifcially looking to hire call-out computer techs with “experience running their own business”

    They charge more per half hour than I charge per hour which is quite interesting.

  • caston replied to the topic Financial independence goals in the forum No Subject 20 years ago


    Just out of interest, what franchise is that?

  • caston replied to the topic Financial independence goals in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    I actually work very hard doing what my customers ask me to (and 99% of them have no idea what servers are used for or what runs on them) and sometimes bigger projects (setting up Small Business Server, Virtual Private Networks etc) can be daunting if I have to personally sign a service level agreement and give a fixed quote beforehand if i’ve…[Read more]

  • caston replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    I hoon around in a ’82 Datsun Stanza. I paid $1300 for it about 3 years ago and it was in mint condition.

    Since then its been hit 3 times in the left rear passenger door. None of those times were my fault. I’ve also had a truck smack into the back of me and dent my rear bumper.

    I’ve also had the master brake cynder replaced and keep it regularly…[Read more]

  • caston replied to the topic The power of water in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Becareful they aren’t foolishly leaping into the drugs and alcohol at that age though. The IP could become a big party.

    The house I’m living it at the moment backs straight onto the swan river and has nice jetty. Its owned by my parents and they are the cost of basic new car from paying it off.
    I hear it goes up about 50k a year but if its gets…[Read more]

  • caston replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    I’m in Ascot, Perth.

  • caston replied to the topic Landlords insurance on commerical and LVR in the forum Finance 20 years ago

    The idea of the insurance is to mitigate the risk of a situation arising in which you can’t make the repayments.
    For instance if a tenant suddenly goes insolvent without warning and can’t pay the rent.

    Surely if your insurance mitigates certain risks then your loan should be seen as less risky and you should be able to command a higher LVR.

    I…[Read more]

  • caston replied to the topic Japan is cheap! in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    Here is their website:

    Looks like they invest in office and retail. I haven’t looked into it any further. I am suspicious as to why they would need to list on the ASX to get investment funds when interest rates there are so low. Just for the deposits perhaps?

    As always only invest once you make an informed…[Read more]

  • caston replied to the topic Japan is cheap! in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Originally posted by Terryw:
    Yes, I can’t understand why people just don’t buy. Many probably ndon’t want to commit to a long loan.

    Are you going to have a crack at it yourself?

    Another thing cheap here is cigarettes. pack of Malbrow costs about $4! And kids can buy them on the streets from vending machines.

    Now that’s progress!

  • caston replied to the topic Cheap in Adelaide in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago

    Go back and have another look. Try commerical, try remote areas with mining booms, try bulk flats/villas/townhouses.

  • caston replied to the topic Highly paid, low qual jobs in the forum Opinionated! 20 years ago


    Just wondering if you could describe the duties of your job. What does a Roustabout do during those 3 weeks on?



  • caston replied to the topic Japan is cheap! in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Originally posted by Terryw:

    One thing about the real estate market is everybody that I have spoken to has negative senitments. Prices have been dropping for 14 years, and there is still no sign of the market recovering. it is cheaper to buy and pay off a loan, than to rent, but most people are still wary of buying.

    Isn’t that the essence of…[Read more]

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