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  • cassco replied to the topic quick finance for overseas deal possible? in the forum Also forgot this is a short 12 years, 8 months ago

    Also forgot this is a short term thing where I will repay the loan within 6-7 months

  • cassco replied to the topic Building with Hebel cladding. in the forum Value Adding 16 years, 8 months ago

    don't waiste your time with it is my opinion.My builder did three and never did them again.I also know someone who bought one which the hebel is now cracking.Nothing beats bricks they are proven to last.People usually use hebels on a townhouse.It's your call.I would say it is more expensive after you render it and less durable.

  • cassco replied to the topic I’d like to see people own opinion please in the forum Opinionated! 17 years, 9 months ago

    ok thanks

  • cassco replied to the topic I’d like to see people own opinion please in the forum Opinionated! 17 years, 10 months ago

    Ok.The contract says 255,000.It also has only his name on it.That’s what I agreed to before he came with the contarct becuase he told me there would be 2 commisions between him and another agent that was supposed to have sold it.But there was no other agent.When he had the contract he lied to me and said that the other agent sold it when there…[Read more]

  • cassco replied to the topic Point Cook houses in the forum General Property 17 years, 10 months ago

    I just finished building a house in point cook and am renting it out.Built for 300k now worth 350k and that is a 3 bed 1 study so 4 bedroom for 350k sounds right to me.There is still alot to come from this area so I would say it is a more long term thing.But there will be a mall with cinema and cafes being built and the beach aint far and…[Read more]

  • cassco replied to the topic $75K in five months in the forum General Property 18 years, 3 months ago

    That sounds pretty good.I would love to hear the details of where you bought?

  • cassco replied to the topic Anyone need painting advice? in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 3 months ago

    I am a painter in Melbourne who will do you a good deal if it aint to far that is unless I can stay there.I am in the western suburbs.0403 262 953.My name is Chris.Cheers

  • cassco replied to the topic Money Partner in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 5 months ago

    you can email me with some info since you haven’t left your real email adress.

  • cassco replied to the topic investing in the US? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 12 months ago

    It all depends where you invest in the U.S I think it is a great place to invest becuase Just recently A guy I know who sources property and I still have the details but unfortunatly sold the property at $50k Aud bring in 43% rent return.Now where can you get that kind of positive cash flow.I must say that was the highest I have seen and the…[Read more]

  • cassco replied to the topic investing in the US? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Peter I have a friend who buys properties in the states and just sourced 23 properties that are being settled in febuary.Also she is trying to get vendor finance which you put down say 20% and pay the vendor on their terms.These properites are roughly 50k Australian with great positive cashflow and tenants and management all in place.I also…[Read more]


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