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  • Interesting… this looks like some sort of company structure, where an employee receives an income from their employer.. does this need a trust in place to work ?


  • Sorry to change the theme of the thread. Terry, does the spouse need to be on the loan/mortgage as well as the title/s for that to occur ? Or just on the loans/mortgages itself…?

    From what I can see on the ATO link above, it seems to be the person on the Title that can claim…[Read more]

  • Cartman123 replied to the topic Loan Structure and which bank ? in the forum Finance 9 years, 4 months ago

    Will the loans that are only secured against the PPOR, be at 4.19%? Or the overall rate for all loans be ~ 4.19% including IP, if the PPOR equity is used as the 60k deposit?

    Isn’t the idea to keep the two (PPOR and IP) in seperate banks, how will that work at ~4.19% ?


  • Cartman123 replied to the topic Loan Structure and which bank ? in the forum Finance 9 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks Richard, appreciate your insight.

    I guess it comes down to a question of risks Vs rates. PPOR Equity Vs IP Equity. Which one ?
    Considering worst case.. should the banks decide to recover the house for the mortgages (default), I’d rather they take the IP, then the PPOR any-day / any-time.

    thoughts ???


  • Cartman123 replied to the topic Loan Structure and which bank ? in the forum Finance 9 years, 4 months ago

    I left planning and strategy till the last minute… I know it’s a newbie mistake…:(

    The contract’s drawn up for the new IP and I’m out of time… Don’t know if I can stall for much longer..

    I was hoping to get some quick help on this forum…

  • Cartman123 replied to the topic Loan Structure and which bank ? in the forum Finance 9 years, 4 months ago

    Absolutely, slowly but surely… that is the plan.


  • Cartman123 started the topic Loan Structure and which bank ? in the forum Finance 9 years, 4 months ago

    Hi All,
    Long time reader.. first time poster… :)

    Need some help and expertise opinions (as read from the vast amount of knowledge on this forum) on how you would structure this.

    -Part 1-


    1) 60K –> PPOR (used of for business Car purchase) (PPOR Value 700K)
    2) 200K –> IP (Valued 400K, and @ 200K equity)

    Planned :-

    1)…[Read more]

  • Cartman123 started the topic Loan Structure and which bank ? in the forum Finance 9 years, 4 months ago

    Hi All,
    Long time reader.. first time poster…

    Need some expertise opinions (as read from the vast amount of knowledge on this forum) on how you would structure this.

    -Part 1-


    1) 60K –> PPOR (used of for business Car purchase) (PPOR Value 700K)
    2) 200K –> IP (Valued 400K, and @ 200K equity)

    Planned :-

    1) Existing 60K…[Read more]

  • Cartman123 replied to the topic Henry tax review in the forum General Property 14 years, 10 months ago

    KRudd… What a joke!  But do we have an alternative…. really….???

  • Cartman123 replied to the topic Henry tax review in the forum KRudd… What a joke!  But 14 years, 10 months ago

    KRudd… What a joke!  But do we have an alternative…. really….???

  • Cartman123 replied to the topic Fiji – Anyone have experience investing here ? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 11 months ago

    roman9 wrote:
    " it is like investing in the future gains of a pirate ship on the high seas". hope you got the message.

    LOL!  reading that loud and clear.  Roger that… :)Cheers Cartman

  • Cartman123 replied to the topic Fiji – Anyone have experience investing here ? in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 11 months ago

    Yes. I know all of what has happened and is happening there.  We have relatives still there .  Despite all that,  the biggest and most prominent investors in Fiji are foreigners. How are they doing it, is what I want to know?

  • Cartman123 replied to the topic Cross Collaterisation in the forum Finance 14 years, 11 months ago

    Banker:  What you've said contradicts what others are saying on this forum. However, what you're saying seems plausible and quite likely reality.This is the first time I have heard, the term Cross-C (being new)  and splitting lending was recommended to me by some very credible people / brokers, on this forum. So are they all living in fairyland ?…[Read more]

  • Cartman123 replied to the topic Cross Collaterisation in the forum Finance 14 years, 11 months ago

    v8ghia wrote:
    Hi Cartman – and welcome to the forum. Now……They can (in extreme situations) and its called 'The All-Monies Clause'. Cheers 

    Thanks, glad to be here…  Learnt more in a month here, then I have in the 32 years of  my life…. Cheers,Cartman

  • Cartman123 replied to the topic Cross Collaterisation in the forum Finance 14 years, 11 months ago

    duckster wrote:
    WhyBecause if you had different loans with the same bank and default they can still seize your other properties to pay back what you owe them.

    Hello all,  (New to the game)  Is this 100% confirmed ?  The loan contract you sign says what property secures what loan. So how can they go against that,  (in a default situation) , even…[Read more]


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