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  • Profile photo of CarinaputzCarinaputz
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2

    I’m logged on under my sister but my email is [email protected].

    I have spoken to Australian House Hunters and they sound very good but I personally haven’t had any experience with them.

    Depending on where u want 2 buy. If Victoria, I can personally recommend Metropole Properties. Check out Very professional, great communication and will finder you a ripper of a property if you want capital growth. Send me an email if you want more info.


    Profile photo of CarinaputzCarinaputz
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2

    Hi everybody.
    Wondering if anybody can offer any help. Last year I was caught with an put and call option agreement gone wrong on a block of land. I decided instead of letting the land sit idle I was best to put a house on it. I decided to build the exact house that DHA build with the view to a possible quick sale. I am the low income earner in my family so I decide to put it all in my name only with the view to sell it once the building was completed. House and Land style sale. I was in direct contact with DHA, they wanted to buy it, then didn’t. This went on for a few months. I was also caught with another block of land that I needed to settle on before the end of the year, so decided to put my primary residence up for sale. I put a fairly high price on it privately and sold the house within 6 weeks. Then I decided to not persist with DHA as they were trying to get my property I was building at a bargin price and I was unwilling to sell it for a loss. I am now living in the property I built for DHA. I am now also building another house for my family. My question is should I sell the DHA style home after my other house is completed or should I hang onto it as my town is growing fast and is predicted to have a high growth over the next few years. The house would not be a good tax benefit as I am the low income earner. Thanks

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