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  • CaptainMark replied to the topic subdividing basics in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago

    Hi guys,I'm trying to soak up as much information as I can, and have a couple of subdivision questions if I may:1.Lets say you get a bare block of land in a regular suburban neighbourhood, or a small town. If you were to purchase it for say $100k (hypothetical) then subdivide it into equal lots, is there a rule of thumb for what the two new plots…[Read more]

  • CaptainMark replied to the topic subdividing basics in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago

    Hi guys,I'm trying to soak up as much information as I can, and have a couple of subdivision questions if I may:1.Lets say you get a bare block of land in a regular suburban neighbourhood, or a small town. If you were to purchase it for say $100k (hypothetical) then subdivide it into equal lots, is there a rule of thumb for what the two new plots…[Read more]

  • CaptainMark replied to the topic subdividing basics in the forum Hi guys,
    I’m trying to soak
    18 years ago

    Hi guys,I'm trying to soak up as much information as I can, and have a couple of subdivision questions if I may:1.Lets say you get a bare block of land in a regular suburban neighbourhood, or a small town. If you were to purchase it for say $100k (hypothetical) then subdivide it into equal lots, is there a rule of thumb for what the two new plots…[Read more]

  • CaptainMark replied to the topic subdividing basics in the forum Value Adding 18 years ago

    Hi guys,I'm trying to soak up as much information as I can, and have a couple of subdivision questions if I may:1.Lets say you get a bare block of land in a regular suburban neighbourhood, or a small town. If you were to purchase it for say $100k (hypothetical) then subdivide it into equal lots, is there a rule of thumb for what the two new plots…[Read more]

  • CaptainMark replied to the topic Expreience with Finders Fees in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Yeah that’s a good point, never thought of that.
    I’ve seen people mention the concept on these boards, just wondered if there was any formal process.

    I think as long as it’s all above board and as per the guidelines of whatever regulations govern property sales, then it should be ok. I suppose I’d be kind of like a buyers agent (for when I…[Read more]

  • CaptainMark replied to the topic previous bad credit in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hey Leviathan,

    What a lot of people don’t realise is that the prime lenders (banks, etc) only have about sixty odd percent of the lending market. The rest goes to the sub-prime and more unconventional lenders. It’s these other lenders who will generally look at people with poor credit history, although you may need a larger deposit and have to…[Read more]

  • CaptainMark replied to the topic Real Deals ? – 11 second rule in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Just out of curiosity – to those who have bought cashflow positive property in more ‘rural’ areas…

    What condition are the houses in, time wise?
    Are they generally old with a lot of non-modern fittings and styles?

    This seems to be the norm from what I’ve seen on the net (and yes, I can see half of you roll your eyes…), just wondering if this…[Read more]

  • CaptainMark replied to the topic Retirement Villages in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Towlie, it looks as if we’ve been looking at EXACTLY the same thing!
    The figures I’ve been quoted are virtually identical. The only difference (or maybe you just left it out) is that the income is paid quarterly – or at least that’s what I’ve been told during my enquiries.

    Email me at
    Maybe we can put our heads…[Read more]

  • CaptainMark replied to the topic Finance Broker Required in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago


    I’ve had some great experience working with NFC in Brissy and can pass on some names and numbers.
    Basically, they’ve got virtually every mortgage/investment loan product in the country covered as best I can tell, everything from prime to sub-prime lenders, so if there’s a loan out there you qualify for (which I suppose is likely if you’re…[Read more]

  • CaptainMark replied to the topic What’s your profession? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Worked as a pilot up until 6 months ago. The work was absolutely awesome, although the people terrible.
    Terrible enough that I left flying and fast-talked my way into starting my own financing company.

    I don’t have any IPs yet, although my mind is soaking up all the information at an incredible rate, so fingers crossed for the first one this…[Read more]
