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  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Carly Crutchfield – Development Bootcamp in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell 4 years ago

    Hi Steve, good to talk to you on your webinar a few months ago. I don’t know what she is doing now, but I attended her 3 day property development course in 2008, and own her property development packs from 2007 and 2009. The content is of high quality, should you choose to put it into practice.

  • Hi everyone,

    It has been a while since I posted here. I need to know, is it legal to ring people on the Do Not Call register to ask if they would consider selling their property? I am talking about putting an option on it to buy myself, not to onsell it via any type of vendor finance, nor to list it as a real estate agent. I reviewed the DNC…[Read more]

  • Captain_Picard started the topic Getting my Australian Credit Licence (ACL) in the forum Help Needed! 10 years ago

    Hi everyone, long time no post.

    I am on the verge of doing deposit finance deals, using joint ventures with the home owner, so the owner gets their full price and I am owed the 10% deposit by the buyer coming in. I have the legal paperwork, so that’s not a problem. The problem is that I understand that after the first transaction I need to be…[Read more]

  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Really could use some advice! in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    I am very surprised no one suggested this: How about selling one or both of your properties on either a lease option or installment contract? They will become positive cashflow properties, and you will get a higher price for them. It will cost $1K to $3K to educate yourself on it, but it would be well worth it. Try Rick Otton's courses, either…[Read more]

  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Best option advise in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    As Robert Kiyosaki says in his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad", you should invest in your financial education first. I recommend buying Carly Crutchfield's property development home study courses if you want to do property development, or Rick Otton's Massive Passive pack if you want to do lease options, or the Ultimate Cashflow system or the Wrap Pack…[Read more]

  • I am in Queensland, but I still don't see a problem. The negotiations I do with a seller revolves around the option fee, length of the lease, price of the property if I decide to buy (which I won't), how much the rent will be, etc. The negotiations do not involve me buying the property, just controlling it under a lease and an option to buy. I…[Read more]

  • Well I will be doing a rent to own on any property that the bird dog brings me, and then selling on a rent to own, so I won't actually be buying the property myself at any time. Unlike installment contracts (wraps), I don't need a credit license to do rent to owns, and since I am not buying the properties, neither I, nor my bird dogs need a real…[Read more]

  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Where to find last purchase price in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    I think it is useful to know what a vendor paid for a house, especially if it was a recent purchase (ie in the last five years), because it is a good negotiation tool. If they paid 200K two years ago, and they want $450K now, you know the property may be overpriced. If you didnt have that information, you would have a less accurate estimate of its…[Read more]

  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Calculating land value. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    Hi Investment starter,

    RP Data is about the best thing you can get for this purpose, but unless you have a real estate agent license, or are a salesperson, or otherwise involved in real estate, you wont be allowed access to it. The alternative if you are in QLD is QVAS (Queensland Valuations and Sales) which is the no frills version of RP Data,…[Read more]

  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Found four undervalued properties in 2 days in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Hi, thefirstbruce,

    I found yields to be not that great an indicator of a house’s value; a better one in my opinion would be cash on cash return. However, this property, along with the others I found, and still find regularly, are negative cash flow, so even that does not apply. $220 per week for rent is probably more than what I would get, even…[Read more]

  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Found four undervalued properties in 2 days in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Hi Redwing,

    What is VGO? I use Queensland Valuations and sales to get information on a property.


  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Found four undervalued properties in 2 days in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Hi Jah,

    To answer your question, I know these houses are good value, because the unimproved land value is close to the asking price of the home. The land value figures are accurate because I use the same database as Natural Resources and Mines, Australian Business Research and RP Data use. Comparable house sales in the area also gives me an…[Read more]

  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Hans Jakobi in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago

    I bought the Hans Jakobi pack about one and half years ago, and it was reasonably good. It wasnt really for me though, so I sent it back and got a full refund. At least his money back guarantee is genuine, and he seems pretty down to earth.


  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Found four undervalued properties in 2 days in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    I am happy to bird dog deals to you, as I come across them quite regularly. There is no way I can take advantage of them all myself. If I knew undervalued property deals were in demand, I will go out of my way to find them. I could easily find three or four good deals like the ones I described earlier every day here in Brisbane, as I have plenty…[Read more]

  • In the pack, there are 6 CDs devoted to real estate that is meant to be used with the handbook, and 15 DVDs that feature Hans interviewing professionals in real estate, real estate agents, tax professionals and many others. Apart from real estate, he talks about superannuation, tax breaks and how to protect your assets from lawyers and litigators…[Read more]

  • Well, I actually talked to Hans Jakobi himself on the phone when I rang “Super Secrets to Real Estate Wealth” recently, which was unexpected. There was no problem with the refund; I got it fine. I had one payment of $1000, which was refunded as soon as they received the returned package, and further payments were cancelled. He is on the level;…[Read more]

  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Advice from Steve on flips in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Hi guys,

    Thanks very much for your contributions. The good thing is that I can look for properties two days per week solid, and I also have access to QVAS (Queensland Valuations and Sales) at, so I am confident I can find a good flip deal every 1-2 months. Obviously, I will get thorough advice from a solicitor – in fact I will try and…[Read more]

  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Hans Jackobi in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Hi everyone,

    I have read the long webpage at no less than three times thoroughly. I was very impressed by Hans Jakobi’s promises, especially on how thorough the real estate investing course was to be. My plan is to print out the page, purchase the course, and then tick off each of the points that he promises to…[Read more]

  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Using the FHOG for investment properties in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Thanks for your comments guys. It looks like my deposit will take a while longer to save up, as I have no equity.

    Captain Picard

  • Captain_Picard replied to the topic Steve’s book a “dud” in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    I didnt get the book from the library, because the lady at the desk estimated it would take several months before a copy became available, and I dont want to wait that long to start my journey towards financial freedom!

    I did like the book – Steve is very open and honest in his experiences. It was beneficial to me as it kickstarted my brain to…[Read more]

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