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  • DeanCollins replied to the topic What is rich? in the forum General Property 9 years, 7 months ago

    10k in expenses – power/phone/transport/clothing/incidentals etc
    10k in food – maybe including a restaurant trip once or twice a month etc but not much more
    10k in luxuries eg a new tv or holiday or some around the house renovations etc once a year

    trust me that 30k isn’t going to go far……better get investing/saving now as to buy a…[Read more]

  • DeanCollins replied to the topic other people ‘s money in the forum Forum Frolic 9 years, 8 months ago

    @Captain, if inflation ‘was’ from growth (either population increases OR technological productivity increases) then I would say that yes inflation is healthy (eg we are making more therefor M1 goes up).

    However quantitative easing (and or artificially low interest rates) to induce inflation is not healthy.


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