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Canberra girl

  • Canberra girl replied to the topic How much to Start investing in USA property in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Hi Joe, We used equity in our house here to purchase the properties using cash. We then refinanced with one of the banks here and set up investment loans for the houses so we are paying interest only (but with an offset account attached to each one). The interest rates many of the US banks are charging foreigners are not much different to…[Read more]

  • Canberra girl replied to the topic How much to Start investing in USA property in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years ago

    Rosa,We have bought four properties in Atlanta and two in Florida. The cheapest in Atlanta was $40k with $13k in renovations. The rental return is $950pm.  Personally I would not buy off any Australian company that is based in Australia without heading over to the US and physically checking out the area and even the potential houses. We used an A…[Read more]

  • We have bought a number of properties from Top Rental Returns USA and have visited Atlanta twice now. During both visits we toured potential houses (all foreclosures) with Bronwyn and Micheal who are Australians and are based in Atlanta and chose houses that we were happy with. We then waited to see if the bank accepted their offer and the HUD…[Read more]

Canberra girl