Chinese whispers is a game kids play you get a line of kids and tell the first a sentence like the monkey climbed the tree to get a bannana.
each person whispers this sentence to the next in the line and the last person has to say the sentence now depending on the number of people in the line it gets worse. it might…[Read more]
From memory the head master was discredited for trying to be funny but failed so he left just before the photo was taken, but apparently he is doing well now I was told he is second in charge of something. I think his name was Peter Costelli or Costello or something like that.
Abbreviation Meaning
404 – I haven’t a clue
ADN – Any day now
AFAIK – As far as I know
AFK – Away from keyboard
ARE – Acronym-rich environment
ASAP – As soon as possible
A/S/L? – Age/sex/location?
B4N – Bye for now
BAK – Back at the keyboard
BAS -…[Read more]
Go Placidly
amid the noise and haste,
remember what peace there may Be in silence.
As far as possible Be on good terms
with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly
and clearly and listen to others,
even the dull and ignorant,
they to have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons
they are vexations to…[Read more]
don’t worry DinoWeb I didn’t know either so I looked for the answer. I have learnt (now) to look at a problem from every angle before jumping in well maybe not for too long or that would be procrastinating []