campbellw replied to the topic GUIDANCE REQUIRED in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years, 7 months ago
luke86 wrote:
scha9799 wrote:
Put under trust is a safe way to go as far as asset protection goes.just check up your land tax threshold, if you buy under your and your partners name, the land tax will be treated as differently as you hold under if the threshold is 200,000 then under your and your partner ( as family) you can have…[Read more]campbellw replied to the topic GUIDANCE REQUIRED in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years, 7 months ago
luke86 wrote:
Hi,If you are building a complex of 5-6 units on these blocks of land and you have enough equity/cash to put into the project, then I douct that you will need presales to get finance. As long as there is a solid exit strategy at the end (i.e. either refinance to hold or sell some and refinance the rest or sll all of them) and you…[Read more]