camder replied to the topic Animal urine on floorboards in the forum We have had Guinea Pig pee 17 years ago
We have had Guinea Pig pee on floor and had to replace carpet. —- intended to anyway.If you intend to relay carpet, then after time as you clean and disinfect the floor boards , and whilst you renovate and before laying carpet–the smell will go .Trust me –I work for the governemnt –would we lie to you ????
camder replied to the topic Best Profit Ever Made in the forum General Property 18 years ago
Congratulations wealth4life,—- Happy Anniversary for tomorrow— 4 years since you joined. Cheers Len
camder replied to the topic Trust Funds To Super????? in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years ago
Hi elka ,
thank you for that –but —what if they trace the call and send someone around to search under the bed and in the fridge etc ????
Who knows what they may find !!!
But that is a good idea and I don’t know why I did not do it.
Thank you again, sometimes we cannot see the forest for the trees.
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic Release Super Fund in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
There is a way Gentlemen but the inquirer has to be over 55 !!
Albeit not using the funds for deposit but just using the funds and salary sacrificing—if jae is not over fifty then I will not go into details —suffice to say it is totally legal.
Am looking at the very idea myself and have the info I needed, now just to decide if I want to take…[Read more]camder replied to the topic Unlocking superannuation funds in the forum Finance 19 years ago
It may depend on your age at present.
If over 55 and working or not, you may be able to do something as I am looking at just this, but not to fund more properties.
If you are over 55 and need more info, email me at
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic What Will YOU Do When The Bubble Bursts? in the forum General Property 19 years ago
Well, here we go again with another doomsday post!!!!
And watch all the doomsdayers jump on this one –they will love it to tell us how so very bad things will become and woe is me!!!Have not you people heard of the “self fulfilling “effect???
I know that it was just a question and hey I did open the topic to read , but GEEZ Lousie —How can…[Read more]camder replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum General Property 19 years ago
Greetings all,
Admittedly foundation, that was a fairly broad statement that wealth4life has made but hopefully wealth4life chooses who he makes the satement to, and with using superannuation payouts at the end of his working life , a man may be able to pay off existing property debt, As to having more than you will need, dunno about that one…[Read more]camder replied to the topic can u buy?? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Make haste slowly!!!
There is a ” offer template ” available if you want it and I would not make a verbal offer and probably not whilst still in the office unless I was so certain that it was what I wanted.
Keep asking questionson this forum!!! I know you will get heaps of ideas and then you can take the suggestion that you feel is right for…[Read more]
camder replied to the topic I’m about to slash my wrists… in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Greetings All,
Whilst I cannot offer any advice ,–I can only concur that there will always be a good side to any situation–sometimes we just cannot see it—at our time of need, so hang in there and good luck.I JUST HAVE TO SAY how amazing some of you guys are.
I know that it is not only on this forum but always and accross the board , that…[Read more]camder replied to the topic cant find???????? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Hi again tamtam,
Sending you a private message —just under where you log on –go to “private messages” if it still works the way it used to .
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic cant find???????? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Hi tamtam, and congrats to aliandmike, for picking up so quickly on what this whole topic is about.!!! When you said “the one we bought hadn’t even been advertised yet”. you hit the nail on the head.!!
So would you not agree that you have to be out there to find the deals.
Good luck to you and good luck to tamtam , especially if he/she accepts…[Read more]camder replied to the topic cant find???????? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
You two members (Gross and Dazzling) of the your own little mutual admiration society have to be more calm when being critical of people looking for C.P. properties.You should also realise that if it is not on the net, —then lets face it —it is just not available.!!!! You have given us some samples ,sure , but they were the only ones…[Read more]
camder replied to the topic Ceramilite – any good in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
Hi Bec,
My experience is that there is varying quality in this sort of product,
one is based on a type of masonite backing and a bugger if you break the shiny surface to the water.
However the other product which I can find if you want the name is a better quality. I think a Bunnings guy told me about it anyway so maybe further inquiries there to…[Read more]camder replied to the topic Landlord Inspections. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
Maybe you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable viewing your property and I believe most tenants expect this to happen.
Really why should you not check on your investment????
But maybe you could feel better about it if you explained to them that you are also making sure there is no problem on their side or some minor details that need seeing to and how you…[Read more]camder replied to the topic BEWARE – African Bank Private Message !! in the forum Opinionated! 19 years ago
Geez Louise,The way some people carry on—-I do not see what the fuss is about, It seems and sounds like really cheap money to me.
And lets face it –arent we all after cheap money, As long as it in a stable economy and therefore in Aussie Dollar–can there really be problem???
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic SYDNEY MEETING GROUP in the forum Creative Investing 19 years ago
Yes Roy , Very interesting and thought provoking only to realise I have probably done some silly things that cannot be undone.
More power for the future though!!!
On anaother note , did you suggest a Buyer’s Agent for our end of February meeting . if so is it still a goer???
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic SYDNEY MEETING GROUP in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
To whom it may concern,
My unreserved apologies if you rocked up to Petersham last evening only to be told that they had no record of a meeting for our group at that venue.
It was absolutely my fault and I trust you will give the group another try, when I can assure youthe club will know about it.
I believe it will be the last Sunday of each…[Read more]camder replied to the topic Increasing the height of a colourbond fence in the forum Value Adding 19 years ago
I believe there is an extension available which slots into and fixes to the existing fence, from colorbond suppliers.
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic NSW LAND TAX in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago
I believ for the December 31st just passed there is no thresh-hold, therefore land tax is on amount from $0 but it is of course on the Valuer General’s value -not the price of the land or whatever and I think about 0.4%. No doubt someone will correct me if I am wrong.
Cheers Lencamder replied to the topic SYDNEY MEETING GROUP in the forum No Subject 19 years ago
Just to keep this up there— I find the forum gets quiet over the weekends .
The meeting at 4pm Sunday .Petersham RSL –all welcome and it is a general gathering with no organised entertainers, sorry speakers.
Come along and have a chin-wag. See you there, Len- Load More