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  • camder replied to the topic insurance needed in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago

    maybe the insurance company’s idea of vacant is not the same as yours!
    If you are renovating , will you not be there for some of the time .???
    They think sometimes that if a place is “vacant”,
    it can be attractive to vandals . If you are around working then the nogooders are not so attracted to the property.
    Cheers Len

  • camder replied to the topic Sydney – Next Boom in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago

    Cannot tell you when the next boom will be and would not mind if there is not one. We find investing in the country gives us a steady growth and the purchase prices are still affordable and the rents keep increasing .
    Cheers for now Len

  • camder replied to the topic taking a different tactic in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago

    Our thinking ig similar to you but we do not have so much equity as you, however our current philosophy is to hold our PPOR and rent it out , rent somewhere we want to live, wait for the market to raise a little and then sell. Looking at a 3 yr timeframe. Not a good idea to sell if you do not have to at this stage. My 2c worth.

  • camder replied to the topic financial advisers + info in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago

    Luciano, In answer to your question –
    “what exactly is the life of an advisor like” the answer would have to be:– bloody great–
    Sorry I know you did not mean it that way, but seriously— when you do find the job you enjoy, you never have to work a day in your life.
    Cheers and Good Luck

  • camder replied to the topic Time Budgeting? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 3 months ago

    Geez Loueez, Who has time to make a time budget.

  • camder replied to the topic Now I have your attention!!! in the forum No Subject 19 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks Guys for the responses so far .
    The neg geared property we do not class as having equity available so basically we have $50k from a current LOC available plus deeds to the value of $345k purchase price therefore giving us $276k (ie 80%) which I would assume would be available for use.
    Also looked at my figures again and have to say that the…[Read more]

  • camder replied to the topic Body Corp Fees in the forum General Property 19 years, 3 months ago

    I would question why you need to pay $9500 for somebody to check the building each week. Light blows– somebody complains to mangmtagent, anything else goes wrong –complaints go to him/her and repairs etc are put to quote. The properties I have stayed in or own , owner-occupants in the stratacomplex quite often fix little things themselves for…[Read more]

  • camder replied to the topic Rent increases, how much is fair? in the forum No Subject 19 years, 3 months ago

    We purchased 4 strata units rented at 1*110,2*95,1*90 the three lower ones being to pensioners and as soon as they settled we raised the rent 110 per week on all.

    However we did not wite to them ,we actually visited and told them face to face . Played all apologetic and let them see that we were sorry to do this but had to be done . $110…[Read more]

  • camder replied to the topic flats, apartments, units, house in the forum General Property 19 years, 3 months ago

    Your assumptions about flats is too broad.
    I find nothing wrong with 3 flats returning $330/week for $120k outlay, or a house divided into 2 flats (3 bdrm & 2 bdrm) returning $285/week for outlay of $120k, or even 3 flats (4bdrm,+ 2*2 bdrm) returning $364/week for outlay of $187.5k.Or how about 4 strata units returning $450/week for outlay…[Read more]

  • camder replied to the topic Renovating During Settlement in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Chris, I believe properties should be insured as from xchange and access clauses are usually in the contract (NSW at least)The other things that you mentioned , I know even less about but I also believe that I would not be starting reno work until the contract was unconditional and the vendor could not change the ir minds.
    Cheers Len

  • camder replied to the topic Selling Cost NSW in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    I wonder about stamp duty if you are selling but think about : Exit tax if NSW , release mortgage if appropriate, allowance for portion of rates etc,

    Who knows ???
    Cheers len

  • camder replied to the topic out of pocket 32 weeks rent ! in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    Greetings Guys,

    I have to wonder how or why you are waiting for statements and not checking bank via internetbanking. At least you would know the day after the rent is due to be deposited that it had not been. Easier to chase up then than 13 weeks later.
    Trying hard not to judge here but seems slack on somebody’s part.
    Good luck for the future…[Read more]

  • camder replied to the topic land tax in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years, 4 months ago

    Hi Chris,
    This could be difficult from house prices.
    eg in our case:
    (house price)=(land value):62500=6363, 187500=54800, 77500=11100, 125000=16000, 270000=72200, 88500=28600.

    Also depends on situation of property so please do not rely on above figure for your calculations and I do not know of any site in NSW except
    Chers Len

  • camder replied to the topic Everybody has one big money-making idea. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    Oh Geez —So nice to see another reasonable topic turned into a “valuable useless” rabble of ideas
    Cheers Len

  • camder replied to the topic pest inspection in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years, 4 months ago

    Is it not so that once contracts have been exchanged you are seen as to OWN the property ??? Do you not take out insurance from xchange date because you own the property?

  • camder replied to the topic Everybody has one big money-making idea. in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago

    My biggest idea , or 2 actually is to win Miss World and bring world peace to all after I become a brain surgeon, and my second is to see the people on this forum use their intellect and power for good —not evil.

    Maybe one is a money making idea because you see I am nearly 60 yrs young and a male!!!!
    Cheers Len

  • camder replied to the topic Support Group in the Southern Suburbs in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 4 months ago

    Check your private emails. Cheers.

  • camder replied to the topic Show me the…..details in the forum General Property 19 years, 4 months ago

    Congratulations Dazz and Padma,

    Great posts and interesting reading . This post was longer but Geez there be any point whatsoever in saying any more , so I wiped it before posting .. Good one Guys

  • camder replied to the topic property managers in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 4 months ago


    We pay from 7% to 8% agent fee + $2 -$4 per month Admin Fee with GST payable on total deduction. Which I think “stinks” Why pay GST on commission when we do not pay if PM ourselves.
    Fine to pay GST on collecting rent as this is a service but “urks” me to pay GST on Admin. fee as well . The way it appears—you will pay about 8.5%on rent…[Read more]

  • camder replied to the topic Reasonably Priced Conveyancing in the forum Legal & Accounting 19 years, 4 months ago

    Hi lukie t,

    Happy to suggest Southern Conveyancing in Brighton Sydney on 95997500 . They will give you a quote and seem very helpful.
    Good Luck

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