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  • cama20 replied to the topic To join or leave split in the forum Finance 14 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks TerrywI did not think about that. I think if it is possible then option 3 sounds like the way to go. Thanks again chris

  • cama20 replied to the topic To join or leave split in the forum Finance 14 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks guys for the feedback. I guess i am leaning towards keeping both loans separate but want to not pay LMI so that means option 3. This is my preferred option only because people say don't join the 2 properties. Is there any real reason to not join the properties? Mortgage brokers i have seen in the past all say there is no reason not to j…[Read more]

  • cama20 replied to the topic CGT exempt or not in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years, 8 months ago

    Ahh now that makes sense.  I should have not been such a nice guy and pushed the tenants out when I purchased the place. Oh well everything is easy in hindsight Thanks heaps.

  • cama20 replied to the topic CGT exempt or not in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for the info. hmm ok so getting a proper valuation is not worth it then, for CGT purposes anyway. I guess you meant to say you don't pay CGT for 80%.

  • cama20 replied to the topic property in geelong melbourne in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 8 months ago

    HiTry the REIV website for info.

  • cama20 replied to the topic Which name to put on title in the forum Legal & Accounting 14 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks guys for the feedback. It sounds like i may just have to leave the property the way it is for now.

  • cama20 replied to the topic Should I get 2nd IP or try pay off my house in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Snoopy III never thought about using an offset account that way before but i think it is a very clever way to set things up. I have a few friends in a situation where they want to turn their house into an IP but have payed to much of it off to make it worth it. I might look into changing my approach. In the past i have seen an offset account…[Read more]

  • cama20 replied to the topic When & how to value IP in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 8 months ago

    I guess the question i should be asking is who is a good valuer in Melbourne?

  • cama20 replied to the topic When & how to value IP in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Markhmm didn't think that the price to value a property would vary that much. I would not imagine that the time and effort to value a 3BR would be more than a 2BR. I have had a realestate agent in and have looked around at the lastest sales however i was not sure if the realestste agents valuation was worth the paper it was written on. Who do…[Read more]

  • cama20 replied to the topic Renting to family self manage or PM? in the forum Hmm i didn’t think about the 14 years, 12 months ago

    Hmm i didn't think about the visiting part. I guess that means that i can visit my sister (my property) without giving notice (she might not be happy with it) with bothe options (PM or self managed).I am still leaning towards self managing just because i know my sister will call me direct if the place needs maintanace even if we were with a…[Read more]

  • Thanks guys for your help this clears it up for me. Another quick question. How do you clame things such as paint for the house or doing landscaping yourself?Is all the paint or landscaping products you buy put together as one item and depreciated or can you just deduct each item in the year of purchase?Regards chris

  • Where to look depends on the reason for purchasing the property. If it is for an investment and you are aiming for capital growth then i would stay within 10 Km of the city but if it is to live in then go wherever you want to live.

  • cama20 replied to the topic Cashflow Spreadsheet/Calculator in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Dave

    Would it be possible to post the links to some of the calculators? I’m sure there would be a lot of people interested, as am i.


  • cama20 replied to the topic Invest in property…looks like a dud to me. in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago

    Originally posted by Mortgage Hunter:
    Originally posted by arrowsmith:

    A) I would lose the 10k first home owners grant

    Tragically common misconception.

    Suggest you reread the legislation.

    There is a link to your State’s requirments on my website.

    Simon Macks
    Residential and Commercial Finance Broker
    [email protected]
    0425…[Read more]

  • cama20 replied to the topic suburb information in the forum General Property 19 years, 1 month ago

    I can’t believe that with the huge number of professional investors on the sight that I only get one reply for a question like this. I am having a lot of trouble doing my research and with thousands of other investors on the sight that are doing their own research no one can give me any direction on a simple topic like this. Is this because ther…[Read more]

  • cama20 replied to the topic Do you know anyone that retired by 30? in the forum Creative Investing 19 years, 1 month ago


    I am 23 and have similar ambitions to you. I have grown up watching my parents work hard and now are nearing retirement with no where near enough money to do thinks they deserve to do in their retirement.
    I think you are right retiring means not having to go to work. I don’t think i will ever stop working but i think when you…[Read more]

  • cama20 replied to the topic 1 bed flats in geelong in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 1 month ago

    Thanks for your input!

    Ya i was a bit conserned about investing with a friend thats why i put this post. Think you might be right a lot of people seem to run into trouble when investing with a friend.

    About the PPOR i was looking at doing what you said however because i have got an extreamly low income and my partner just started work i was a…[Read more]

  • cama20 replied to the topic median price info in the forum General Property 19 years, 3 months ago

    Thanks fernfurn

    I managed to get a copy of a friend. This is a good start it has the right information just does not show it year by year. Thanks a lot.

  • cama20 replied to the topic How and what to invest in at this time in the forum General Property 19 years, 4 months ago

    I am a young invester at age 22. I developed an interest in investing when i was about 20 when i learnt about one of my friends making $1000 in the stock market.
    I then started out like most people have mentioned here, i got an ING account then a Bank West one and then a managed fund. I started reading most of the books mentioned here, the best of…[Read more]

  • cama20 replied to the topic auto invest in shares in the forum No Subject 19 years, 5 months ago


    No conection with this company just seen their add in the Hearold sun and checked them out.


    Ya i know its wrong. wont happen again [blush2]
    just thought people might be interested.

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