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  • cam7702 replied to the topic Renting from yourself. in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 8 months ago

    Sorry Terry, I shouldn't write posts in a rush!
    I was talking about the original question Re. renting from yourself.
    If someone was to rent their home out, to an unrelated party, then lease it from that party would this be OK. If you had the property on an interest only loan you could pay a higher rent and the unrelated party could make an income…[Read more]

  • cam7702 replied to the topic Renting from yourself. in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 8 months ago

    I suppose any negative gearing benefit would be stuck in the trust, which would negate the benefit if the trust had no other income.

    What about the subleasing? I cant find any arms length transaction requirements as in SMSF.

  • cam7702 replied to the topic Renting from yourself. in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 8 months ago

    If you used a trust don't you lose the exemption on land tax?

    What if you had some one rent the home from you and you sub-let a room from them?

  • cam7702 replied to the topic owning property in what name? help!!! in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years ago

    I have discussed the trust structure with our accountant and researched it myself. It appears that in NSW any that the trust has no exemption from land tax. So we would pay land tax from day 1 on the first property. I understand the protection issues however what is the benefit of using a trust?? We have a family trust set up 2 kids and wife does…[Read more]


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