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  • CaboSanLucas replied to the topic Investment property in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

  • CaboSanLucas replied to the topic loan structure for 2nd IP, suggestions please.. in the forum Finance 16 years, 5 months ago

    MaxxiI turned my owner occ into an IP recently, so i am renting now and will continue to rent in the future. i realize i may not be in the best position at the moment to purchase but i want to in the next 6 months. i realize all about the economy and market etc.. but also believe it's a good time to buy in sydney. i'm not one to sit around and…[Read more]

  • CaboSanLucas replied to the topic RAMS anyone stuck with them? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 5 months ago

    guys, RAMS and RHg are completely different lenders now. RHG is loan book with existing customers which takes in no new lending. everyone talking about existing loans with RAMS are only with RHG now, they are completely different entities. Here's a tip, Those looking to get out of RHG can refinance to RAMS (now funded by westpac) , just go to a…[Read more]


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