C3029398 started the topic Martin Ayles Development Blueprint FOR SALE! OR swap for Cherie Barber Course in the forum Buy, Swap & Sell 10 years ago
Hi Guys,
I am selling my copy of the highly sort after Development Blueprint by Property Development Expert Martin Ayles. This really helped me kick start into property development and now am successfully developing property of my own.
I would also really like to get a copy of Cherie Barbers Renovation course if someone was looking to swap or…[Read more]
C3029398 replied to the topic Rookie Developer D-Day DVD series FOR SALE!!!!!! in the forum The Treasure Chest 13 years ago
Hey guys dont forget my Rookie Developer D-Day course is selling on eBay and theres only one more day to go. I paid $997.00 and at the moment it only has one bid at $280.00 !!!!!!! it will be a bargain for this price!!!!
go…[Read more]
C3029398 replied to the topic Martin ayles development blueprint in the forum The Treasure Chest 13 years ago
Hi how much are you willing to pay for the blueprint?
Also, if you havent seen the rookie developer D-day resource, it is worth checking out (http://www.rookiedeveloper.com.au/dvd-dday). Similar thing to the Marty Ayles development blueprint as i talks you through the process of property developing. I currently have one for sale on eBay
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C3029398 replied to the topic Course swaps in property development/renovation in the forum The Treasure Chest 13 years ago
i am selling the rookie developer D-day event on eBay if you are interested
C3029398 replied to the topic Rookie Developer DVD wanted in the forum The Treasure Chest 13 years ago
Hi I selling my rookie developer DVD D-day event up on Ebay if you are interested. Go to