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  • BZP replied to the topic Omegatrend in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago

    I got involved with the company a few years back, after giving it a go I decided I best stick to what I do best bricks and morter..but If you think multi level marketings for you by all means…

  • BZP replied to the topic Owners from hell !!! in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Top man,very entertaining storey.The way u discribed it left a vivid image which left me chuklin 2 myslf. he he

  • BZP replied to the topic HELP bank is saying no!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    My friend all I can say is never give up, Im a student on a scholarship and I wanted to purchase a rental with 10% but got knocked back by nearly every bank..All I can say is if you have a broker who knows what he/she’s doing your in with a grin.

  • BZP replied to the topic Should I increase IP’s or buy own place .? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    My friend I say always put your money into income producing assets so if your undecided between +iv cashflow IP vs family home, hands down IP. The day I get a morgage for the family hoime is the day my passive will cover it.

  • BZP replied to the topic NZ – Which island is better North or South in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I would go Noth on your first deal, or if I was to invest in the south I would look into Christchurch, this would have to be one of the only major city’s still lagging behind in terms of growht.If your looking for +ive cshflw properties then this country is a gold mine.

  • BZP replied to the topic interest only loans in the forum Finance 21 years ago

    Hey Shane,
    Ive just I purchased a few months ago and I put mine onto a P&I loan.Befor you aks yes its +ive.For starters I stay at home and my outgoings are a joke.If I was out there with a morgage I would go IO untill I had cleared my morgage, wouldn’t want to over commit huh.