buymore replied to the topic My USA Property in the forum RickH wrote:All looking good 14 years ago
RickH wrote:
All looking good for us now. Barring any problems with bank here we will be owners of 3 houses in Kansas City Missouri. All rehabbed and ready to be leased (1 is already under section 8 lease, the other 2 are vacant i believe). Exciting times. If all goes well will look at another 3 in about 12 mths timeHi RickI'd like to buy a…[Read more]
buymore replied to the topic Where is the soundest state/county to invest in America? in the forum morekc wrote:kansas city 14 years ago
morekc wrote:
kansas city missouri has proven to be a great investment. lower than usual unemployment. current population growth. future job growth outlook strong. diverse economy with large blue collar work force. rehabbed homes in GOOD neighborhoods in the $30k-$40k range that rent for $700-$900 per month.Hi morekcI am looking for…[Read more]
buymore replied to the topic I need a trustworthy property manager in Ashfield URGENTLY please in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago
thanks so much! I will contact them today
buymore replied to the topic what is your thoughts on this – “Court ruling spells trouble for investors and rental agents” in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
i only just found out about it today. i will write a termination letter to them today.
buymore replied to the topic what is your thoughts on this – “Court ruling spells trouble for investors and rental agents” in the forum they have been fined for 15 years ago
they have been fined for $840000 in total….. does that mean the landlord have to pay some of the fine? or does it cover by the insurance?i am so concerned. the agent they mentioned, it is my current managing agent. should I change ?
buymore replied to the topic Has anyone bought an IP without inspected it in person?? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks for the helpful tips!
buymore replied to the topic Has anyone bought an IP without inspected it in person?? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks everyone! the comments are so helpful. I have used the google map, it is a very handy tool. My friend will inspect the unit for me soon. I have checked with local agents regarding the rent.will keep you posted regarding the inspection
buymore replied to the topic Has anyone bought an IP without inspected it in person?? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Thanks so much all for your quick reply.I have done as much research as I can think of. calculated the numbers…I will get building and pest inspection done can I find out about the vacancy rates in the area? Thank you all
buymore replied to the topic just bought an IP, need a good painter in Sydney. Please Help!! in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
freerenterprise wrote:
Phillippe Tartonne is highly recommended. Lives in The Hills distrcit but can travel anywhere in Sydney. 0407948824 mention Graeme recommended him for good service (he owes me as I found him a nice townhouse)Hi Freerenterprisethanks so much. I will definitely mention your name
buymore replied to the topic good area under $200k in the forum General Property 15 years ago
Hi there,sounds you know Liverpool quite well…I heard people say there are two parts of liverpool. should avoid speed st and near by. Northern liverpool is much betterarea. is this right? there are many units for sale on speed st. your thoughts?
buymore replied to the topic good area under $200k in the forum General Property 15 years ago
god_of_money wrote:
I like liverpool area as they are building IF NOT the largest hospital in Australia/southern hemispehreit will create jobs etc etcbuymore replied to the topic chances on getting finance? in the forum Finance 15 years ago
HiI am looking for a good broker at the moment…Do you mind give me his email please? I need a loan urgentlyThanks for your helpHelen
buymore replied to the topic chances on getting finance? in the forum Finance 15 years ago
Touche wrote:
HiTry this broker, I have done a few loans with him and still is going through with him now. I find him really helpful. I gave my senario to other brokers and they can't do (i.e. approve the loan) except this guy. His name is James & his number is 9803 3040 his mobile 0403 466 486.Good luck.Tinabuymore replied to the topic I’d like to buy a property in NJ.. but don’t know how and where..Please help in the forum Overseas Deals 15 years ago
Hi PQ,Thanks so much for the info. it is so useful. I have been searching online like a crazy but there are so much info and I don't knowwhere to you know the difference between co-op and condo? i thought if it is co-op then you can't use it as a rental property.only condo can. is this right?have you bought anything in NY or NJ? is it as…[Read more]