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  • BuyL0w replied to the topic First Property Dev in the forum Value Adding 13 years, 3 months ago

    Sorry missed the A of my REA real estate agent. After further investigation this particular development will not make a profit worth the risk so I have moved on.  If the funds are avalible should one buy the land outright for a development? I am looking to develop with the outcome of retaining one unit/town house from the development free and…[Read more]

  • BuyL0w replied to the topic First Property Dev in the forum Value Adding 13 years, 3 months ago

    Phew glad I rang the council before I did anything as the restriction here is the minimum block size this council will allow is 400sqms which is only 3 units and in this area at this time there is not enough margin in it to make it worth while, for the sake of 60sqms.My RE is keen and is going to argue with the council however there are other…[Read more]

  • BuyL0w replied to the topic First Property Dev in the forum Value Adding 13 years, 3 months ago

    Useful stuff as I am thinking of doing a similar thing on 2 adjoining blocks in southern Tasmania, The total area will be 1542 sqms. I have a silly Question that any one could answer, how many square meters in a square? i have been told many different things and need some clarification. Also when you say 10 000 per square for double story or 7000…[Read more]


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