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  • bundy replied to the topic GST credit for land in House & Land Package in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks for your help Ross.It appears to me that the big winner here is the ATO.  They seem to get the biggest slice of every pie.  But I guess that's no surprise.Looks like I've got some studying to do.  If you want to play the game you have to learn the rules!Thanks again for your comments guys.Greg

  • bundy replied to the topic GST credit for land in House & Land Package in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 2 months ago

    Hi RossThanks for your comments. You're certainly giving me a few things to think about.Let's set up a scenario. Say this year the trust buys a block of land, subdivides it and sells it as separate blocks. It also buys a house, renovates it and sells it. Also, it buys a house from a developer/builder as a house and land package, does nothing…[Read more]

  • bundy replied to the topic GST credit for land in House & Land Package in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks BobHad me worried there for a second.The trust is a business just like any other. I thought it a little strange that it would have to pay gst out of income generated from gst exempt items. And being a business registered for gst it should be able to claim any gst paid for goods or services used within the business activities.Ross, do you…[Read more]

  • bundy replied to the topic GST credit for land in House & Land Package in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 2 months ago

    Hi RossResidential rental does not attract gst and neither do sales of residential property, so where would I have to pay 10% to the government?However, being registered for gst means that I can claim back any gst on purchases I make relating to the business. For example, if we buy tools and such for renovations or pay for any labour, we can…[Read more]

  • bundy replied to the topic GST credit for land in House & Land Package in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks very much Bob.I thought as much but it was a little confusing.On the purchase of land, would I be correct in saying that there would be no circumstance where the gst would be claimable?If bought from a developer, they would most likely have used the margin scheme in which case you couldn't claim the gst. And if it was bought privately…[Read more]

  • bundy replied to the topic New Investor in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 3 months ago

    Hey Guys

    This is my first post to the forum. I’ve been reading a lot of it and there seems to be some fairly astute people on here.

    I’ve been researching property investing for some time now and am keen to get some runs on the board and get this ball rolling. I have some concerns though.

    Chris_J – I live in Townsville and at the moment I…[Read more]


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