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  • Bumbalina replied to the topic Structural crack or cosmetic crack? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks for your helpful replies. I, too, think it could just be a crack in the plaster board rather than the more sinister structural crack. Makes a difference in the decision to either sell now before more problems emerge or holding it for longer term and just fixing the plaster.

    Thanks again.

  • Bumbalina replied to the topic Structural crack or cosmetic crack? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 6 months ago

    No. Nothing was done either internally or exterior to the property.
    Can joint-line cracks be a sign of something more sinister to come?

  • Bumbalina replied to the topic Structural crack or cosmetic crack? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 6 months ago

    The cracks appeared around Dec 2013 (6months ago). House was built approx. 2005 (hence I didn’t think it would be structural crack as these would appear a bit earlier and would have been more pronounced. Over the last 6 months, the crack hasn’t gotten any worse – it has pretty much stayed the same.

    No staining or change in colour.

    The cracks are…[Read more]

  • Bumbalina started the topic Structural crack or cosmetic crack? in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 6 months ago

    Cracks appearing just above the built-in robe. It’s not a straight line crack – more a semi circle crack starting in one corner of the ceiling above the BIR and then forms a semicircle of approx. 30-40cm diameter ending at the edge of the BIR.

    there are 2 BIRs and both are showing the same thing. No other cracks throughout the house.

    Just want…[Read more]


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