For your sake,I hope you’re right,about property prices falling. If you’re wrong you have sold your PPOR and you are renting at a cost of $104,000 in rent (two years rent).If property prices rise you are well and truly up to your neck
in the shyt.
A woman sold her house in Mosman(Sydney), intending to buy better.By the time she found “the” house, prices had left her behind.
She couldn’t afford any properties in Mosman. Had to move to a lesser suburb.
Let’s hope it doesn’t happen to you.
[buz2]Trust me, I’m a real estate salesman!!!!!
Kay Henry,
Most mornings I see retirees walking this way in the morning(clock wise).In the afternoon they walk in the opposite direction.I couldn’t help myself this day,I called out “if you want,I’ll show you the escape route” off the plateau.
They called back that the plateau is the greatest place on earth, “why would you want to escape for”
They are happy in their little world. To me this would be like living death.
On our last holiday(with the wife),we travelled
from Sydney up the coast to Noosa. Stayed in the best accomadation,spent money like water.Quite
enjoyable, but after two weeks it became very boring.
Searching out property was the only thing that kept me sane.(I think).
The “holiday lasted four long weeks”.
Kay, you’re thirty-seven years old, when you retire,can you imagine yourself sitting with all those little old women knitting away and drinking cups of tea.Talking about the good old days.
I’ll be dead and loving it.
My five year plan is not to have a plan at all!
How boring.My life is in flat-out mode.’All because I don’t have any plan,or plans.
I’m running six taxis, working for the Gov’t. trading in shares and one investment property(dual occ.).I sold three investment properties early in the year.
Working seven days a week, fourteen to sixteen hours a day.
This is the first time I’ve been on this website in ages.Day off – Queens birthday.
I’m involved in listed property trusts/unlisted property trusts.shares, taxis – three mine, three leased.I employ two people full time(not including taxi drivers).I’m the part time taxi worker.Working ten am to two pm, then six- thirty
pm until when ever I’m needed.No breakdowns or accidents I can go home.
I can not believe that YOU people want to retire.
Retire to WHAT! Sitting around waiting to DIE!!!
Get a BRAIN!! Most important ,GET a LIFE!!!!
How great is Bobby Carr?
Well done Bob.
P_ss off the pretend property investors and let the real investors get on with the task of property.
“When the going gets tough,the tough get going”.
All the wingers please nick off.
Brain dead developers are building block after block of units as there’s no to-morrow. Most are JERRY built.Thown up in a minute,sold to dumbies
by the truck load.
Where are these people’s brains? Off the plan buying.On completion these buildings, floor plans
have been changed to suit the builder. Smaller balconies, smaller car spaces,kitchens not to specifications etc.
No wonder we need Bob Carr to hit the industry over the head. WAKE UP EVERYBODY, time to THINK!!!
Now the good news,for non NSW people. If this works for NSW(more taxes to treasurery. Slowing of the boom). Every other state Government will be doing the same.No Premier wants to be the first!!! That simple.
S.McK. you say that Australians are over taxed.
WRONG. We don’t pay enough!! Look around you every thing is collapsing around us. Insufficient
money for eduction,hospitals in need of major repairs.The list goes on and on.
Steven, Australia is in the middle of OPEC nations when it comes to highest and lowest nations taxation rankings.
A one property millionaire[whistle][whistle]
There’s plenty of mortgage brokers on this website.They’re always looking for business, except in your case. “Keeping your heads down fellows”?
So let’s try and get you out of the “sh_t”.
Your loans,you don’t say what type of loans they are. Good debt(no such thing).PPOR loan,shares or some form of investments.
Bad debt,Cars,stereos,credit cards, etc. And of cause the worst kind- women.
Dump the girlfriend,sell the car, cash to the credit cards.
Then get a second job.Coles-Myer and Woolworths are always looking for night fillers.Weekend people for all sections of their supermarkets.
If you’re still in the POO, sell some of the “good debt”.(If you have any).
DON’T buy anyones book! Just a waste of money and time.
“Have the courage to take your own advice”.
Put yourself in the position of some one else who is asking you for your advice on this problem.
a one property millionaire.[whistle][whistle]
Great how you have both sat in front of your computers,bashing away time and time again.
If you were to cost this exercise at $1.00 an hour,how much would you have to show for your efforts? Deposit on another N.Z. dud?
Of course Westan has retired so he’s sitting in GOD’S waiting room waiting for his call up papers.
Little Mini, must be flat out, caring for her other little friend,at home.Plus working and then all that watching of Australian and American Idol shows.Tough life Mini! Not negleting your little friend by bashing away at the key board. Naughty girl.(I’m lead to believe naughty girls are the most popular).
And then looking after ALL those dud N.Z. properties.”Queen of the duds” How do you do it all Mini?
Man goes to his doctor for a medical check up for prostrate.
The doctor tells him to drop his trousers and lie face down on the examination table.
As the doctor tells the patient he’s about to insert a finger into his anus.
The patient asks the doctor for a favour.
“Yes” says the doc.
Patient “Would you insert two fingers please doc.?”
Doc.”Why would you want for me to do that?”
Patient “I want a second opinion!!!!”
A one property Millionaire[whistle][whistle]
On the Northern Beaches, there’s always plenty for sale. Not much different than any other time.
Rentals are the more interesting aspect of the property scene.
Young couple,no children, have been trying to rent a decent home unit for awhile. Rent as many old red brick,three story walk-up units as you want.Vacancies by the mile.
Finally they “won” a new unit to rent.There are queues of people wanting to rent new, modern and decent size home units.
This only happened this week,so investors with good stock still have no need to worry.
My association with Custodian Wealth Builders goes back approx.five years. They were,possibly still are, based at Birkenpoint shopping complex,
They only seemed to be interested in my financials. In the end I walked away.
J.F’s. book was a good read.
G’day Richmond,
When I first started out in property investing, I
used every bit of equity I had going for me.PPOR,
shares,insurance policies and two superannuation
policies.Insurance and super always pleased the lenders.The more of these types of policies you have, the more stable they thought you were.
Now, when I borrow, I leave my PPOR out of all equations.All present and future properties must stand alone.
If I drop off the planet tomorrow, the little woman doesn’t end up out on the street.And that’s what it’s all about.The insurance and the super
policies gives her a comfortable life style.Even better when they only have too support ONE person.
Richmond, you must be able to do the same,with seven properties.
Respect,Responsibility and Moderation.
Winners make it happen.
Loses let it happen.
G’day all,
If I was a newbie and wanted to learn as fast as possible I would get in touch with one of the mortgage brokers on this website.
These professinals are absolutely the best and quickest way of learning the financial side of
property lending you could wish for. Talk to them,
listen to them very carefully, they are far and away ahead of the rest(experts).
Finding properties can be fun,with the right attitude.Play pretends,search real estate agents
in the area you want to buy in.Play the game of
“buying” three or so properties. Even waste the real estate agents time by making stupid offers on them.You will learn so much so fast, you’ll become an expert in on time at all.
And of course keep reading this website.
The final piece of advice is to,totally ignore this advice.
Bruce G.
Winners make it happen,
losers let it happen.[][]
G’day all,
I can’t find any positive geared properties on the Northern Beaches(Sydney).Been searching for years.So I’ll just stick to my negative geared properties. I have four with the value of just under three million dollars.
Sill_ in _ school, you’re a real goer. You would
well be worth having a beer with. Maybe some day
it will happen.
Bruce G.
I’m back!!!!!
Don’t mention NOSES!!!!!
G’day all,
The proper name for Kings Cross is Potts Point.
Kings Cross is the intersection under the Cocca- Cola sign on William Street.
Potts Point use to be a top place for rentals, unfortunately the developers have taken over most of the high rise hotels and turning them into apartments.Potts Point will be another Pyrmont.
Sixty percent of all units are rentals.
Just sit on your hands and wait.A couple of interest rate point rises could bring prices down.
I live in hope.
G’day Ronulas,
Oops, I’ve done it again, got up your nose,did I Ronulas? Never mind the truth must be told. When you are a writer of “untruths” it’s called fiction.I could write tons of fiction and claim it as the truth. I might even make money out of it.
The only thing in the book that I agreed with,
is to make real money, you need to employ staff, so they do the work, you do the planning for future expansion and new ventures.
I have two taxis running around Sydney, somewhere,
I sit on my bum (I’m a gov’t worker) and they work twelve hours a day all in the hope of earning a quid for themselves.I pull in $3,000
a week for doing repairs etc.Maybe I should sell the property investments and use the money on more taxis.
Weston,would you mind giving “us” a run down of how R.K. fiction is allowing you to retire at 39 years of age? All in four years.I must of missed the good bits.Maybe I better go look in that bin!
Bruce G.
Winners make it happen.
Losers let it happen.
G’day Mini,
Wow what a come back!!! Yes it was a “typo” If I had deliberately spelt Mini incorrectly I knew you would paste me all over the place!!
Heated flooring for your tenants!!!! Hell I don’t have heated floors in my place!! I must be poor!
Twenty percent return
SHIT, I’m selling all mine and coming over to learn from you.Can you squeeze someone else into that fun bed of yours?
I don’t take up much room,and I might learn even more!!! Lots more.
The little girl thing was in reference to a poster
who’s properties need a lot of work on them. Can’t remember which post it was.Very sad situation for her.
Mini, you have a lot of friends on this website, I can’t imgine what would happen if I really threw crap at you. I seem to have away of getting up peoples noses.Good fun!!
I bought a second taxi plate and I’m managing the bloody thing. I promised myself that I would only lease it out, but I can’t stop thinking about the money. Love the stuff. I’m so busy that I only come on the forum once a week or fortnight.
See you in the spring(as they say)
Bruce G.
P.S. Minimogul why don’t you put that post of yours to music and sell it to some country bumkin singer so they can annoy the hell out of me on radio stations when I’m on the road? (sounds like a song).
Haven’t you leant your lesson yet? You bought crap
houses and the pain has caused you to pour your poor little heart out to everyone on this forum.
How much pain are going to put up with before you wake up and sell these bits of rubbish(you call investment properties)and really invest in quality
As some little girl on this website said,all her money is being poured into paying for repairs.
Go for the middle.
I forgot to say G’day Mimi, hope the rest of your life going BLOODY terrific!!!!
Rich Dad poor Dad author is a liar and a cheat.
He cheated me out of the price of two of his books, which were being sold as fact.I don’t read fiction.And of cause the whole book is one giant fairy tale.When I was reading the first one, some bits just didn’t sound right.
When I realised this I destroyed the books.
I don’t read any authored books.Use your brain, do your own thing.Educate yourself,believe no one.
Bruce G.
Have the courage to take your own advice.
As they say, NO STEAK, NO GRAVY!! That means no job no wealth.No goodies of life.
Too bad, you lose, the rest of “us” win.We have jobs.
Bruce G.
You’ve brought this post back from the dead!
Interesting name???? you’ve got there. Please be nice and use your name.You sound like a Nancy to me.No! lets now call you Karma.
As for not paying taxes, well that’s not true anymore. As of this financial year my tax jumped from nil tax to fifteen percent.Of course if I borrow more money, then it will go back to nil again.Toooooooo easy!!!
The question I ask myself is where do I invest this new borrowing? Shares, houses etc.
I’m thinking.
Bruce G.
G’day Aussierogue(wish I had thought of that name)
Down with all mother-in-laws!!! The old cow gave me sixteen thousand dollars,and I allowed her to live in my house rent free.I thought she would snuff-it in a few years.After eighteen years I threw her out,good grief she had all those years
at a cost of $17.00 a week.Plus I paid all her overheads.Now she wants her money back plus interest.$62,000.
So I’m suing her for rent,food,part of all household bills.$115,000.
Even trying to make her pay for some of the extentions,granny flat.$165,000 with the flat thrown in.
Gee has this boy got a big heart,looking after dear old mother-in-law.The old cow is 90 years old.What happened to three score and ten?????
Bruce G.