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  • brucegraham replied to the topic Anyone – NOT buying now???? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I’ve gone the other way – I’ve sold three of the four properties. I’ve only kept the dual occ. property. I’ve given property a miss for awhile.
    I’m now share trading. If I keep going as I’m doing at the moment I could chuck taxis and my job. Not that I am going to do that, but every morning I think about it.(It’s easy to make money on a rising…[Read more]

  • brucegraham replied to the topic more from news wires in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    the last thing the NSW Government needs to do is cut stamp duties. This labour gov’t has turned this state into a complete disaster state. You only have to read the newspapers(and see channel 9 news)listen to talk back radio to find the joint is turning into anarchy.Schools,education,police,
    water resouces and transport. Thats just some…[Read more]

  • brucegraham replied to the topic from the news wires in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    The more times they forecast, the more chances of eventually getting it right!!!!
    “They” say even a stopped clock gets the time right twice a day.

    winners make it happen.
    losers let it happen.

  • brucegraham replied to the topic Easter pressies to tenants? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I never get involved with my tenants.Yes they are all good tenants, but tenants are just that. Tenants.I don’t know what they look like or do I care. My properties are well above average(so are the rents)but business is business “Hermy my boy”.
    My property manager is paid to keep them happy.
    Which keeps me happy.And that’s the most…[Read more]

  • brucegraham replied to the topic from the news wires in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    It all sounds like sh*t to me!! BIS Shrapnel, a few years ago fore cast a depression!!!!!
    The whole property market was going to collapes.
    I also don’t believe Residex either. I listern to John Edwards every Sunday on 2ue radio.Out come these wonderful figures. Yes you get $$$$ for your home etc.
    There’s only one way to value a property, put it on…[Read more]

  • brucegraham replied to the topic family equity mortages – today tonight in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Can’t see anything wrong with this scheme. My friends have been doing it for years so their “grots” can afford to buy and live on Sydney’s northern beaches.Close to their mummy and daddy.
    It’s this scheme, or the “kids” live at least three hours drive away.
    Parents are allowing the “children” to build
    on top of the family home. So (with fingers…[Read more]

  • brucegraham replied to the topic Partnership in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    If you’re a bankrupt you don’t have too pay anything back. That’s the beauty of being a bankrupt!!!!!!
    Never been there myself, but you never know!!!!!!


    winners make it happen.
    losers let it happen.

  • brucegraham replied to the topic Cringe during location location in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    This is what happens when you don’t have a auction plan. “What can go wrong will go wrong”.
    If you live by this code of thought you’re never disappointed! [cry] Crying
    The suburb was Warriewood,on the northern beaches of Sydney.(I live a couple of street away).[grrr]
    I did see the first part, missed the second part.

    Winners make…[Read more]

  • brucegraham replied to the topic Which investment market in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    G’day residentialwealth,
    In my opinion, never, never invest in home units. Cheaper to purchase and easier to maintain. But those bloody strata levies, they average out at about two thousand dollars a year.
    The laws are changing to allow tenants to have pets.
    Nothing you can do to stop this.Just another pain in the bum!!

    Winners make it…[Read more]

  • brucegraham replied to the topic Buying site unseen in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    G’day all,
    All photos, regardless of where they come from,internet or Kodak, look far superior than the real thing.What looks good in photo form just isn’t that good in real life.

    Winners make it happen.
    Losers let it happen.

  • brucegraham replied to the topic Steve McKnight Seminar – anyone going? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    G’day all,
    I loved S.McK’s comment “no tire kickers”. For a thousand dollars you would have too be a rich tire kicker.
    I’m mean and miserable, I wouldn’t spend that amount of money on any seminar.

    When will I earn, as much as I spend?

  • brucegraham replied to the topic Tasmanian market in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    G’day all,
    Eighteen months ago I read the book “Ordinary Millionaires” by Jim McKnight(not another one! More of the family?).
    In one of the storeys, this fellow bought dud properties in Adelaide’s suburb of Elizabeth. Bought cheap, rented out at very good +pos.yields.When the banks refused more loans he found a private investor who loaned him all…[Read more]

  • brucegraham replied to the topic Property Investment Seminar’s in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    G’day Kay Henry,
    Australia’s greatest entertainer!
    To see this man in action is like the second coming.
    I’ve been twice to see him in all his glory. Prancing
    up and down the stage.Brilliant!!
    Henry Kay will live with-in me till the day I die.
    You just have to keep your hands in your pockets.And of cause don’t believe a word he says.
    My tickets…[Read more]

  • brucegraham replied to the topic America and RK in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    G’day all,
    They(taxi passengers-YANKS),are telling me that the place to invest is in Canada.Seems that’s where Americans are all investing.
    You can buy “nice” homes for about two hundred thou.
    Not the main cities, regional centres.
    As for RK, he’s been known to write fiction.

    When will I earn as much as I spend?

  • brucegraham replied to the topic My tip for many +cf houses in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Hello Rich (mond) and Mini.
    I was becoming a little addicted to this website.
    So when the FLICK came,which supprised me, I was at a loss for awhile. I went and annoyed the Yanks. they’re too thick to insult. I also tried the Kiwis, no fun there.They are just too serious.
    Mellowed Rich, yes my court case is getting closer.
    I’m being sued for four…[Read more]

  • brucegraham replied to the topic My tip for many +cf houses in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    G’day Richmond and Minimogal,
    IF ONLY!! Yes,with hindsight I would have also bought some of those properties that you both bought.
    I had a rough idea that the next properties would have too be pos.geared.I looked at Armidale NSW, loved what I saw,did nothing.Checked out Lismore. Found a block of units for sale .Checked out OK.Not in the flood…[Read more]

  • brucegraham replied to the topic My tip for many +cf houses in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    G’day Yack,
    A year ago I said the same as you,except my perfect location was Sydney-Northern Beaches.I went on to say
    why have one dozen (or even two dozen) properties costing you twelve (twenty-four) times the overheads of
    a person who has four Sydney properties(me).
    Sydney/Melbourne properties growth are KILLING all those country towns.
    I…[Read more]
