We all seem to be tied up in careers and property investing. It’s amazing when we look back to 2 generations ago to what ages women were birthing at.
Times have changed but it important to look at the physiology of a woman and i have witnnessed it myself. The fact is that between 20 and 30 it is much easier for the body to cope with the…[Read more]
Well Fudge111, as they say “It’s not how much you earn but how much you save!”
We are trying to close the gap between the rich and poor and make this country a more equal society. I agree that that’s how it should be and people are still rewarded for wise saving plans. (INTEREST). So save, save, save!!!
Thanks Muppet,
We are both very excited about this investing plan and we both live in rural areas and are planning to invest in the rural market. Fudge has just received word that his copy of Steves book has arrived so we will be able to start reading today!