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  • Brown replied to the topic Where o where? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Thanks everyone for your input i realise now you can’t just buy positive property anymore you must make them. P.S I am FEMALE….

  • Brown replied to the topic What is a sleepout? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Usally an enclosed verandah made into a room. These rooms/ sleepouts usually have 2 or more door ways into them, you have to walk through another room to get in and they don’t have bult-ins there fore it is very difficult to convert into a bedroom.

  • Brown replied to the topic How much commision for agents. in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Simple way to work out commission for a real estate agent = (Sale price +18,000) divided by 40 give you a dollar figure.
    remember it is a sliding scale therefor it goes up and down with the price.
