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  • Brisbanite replied to the topic damn statistics in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    I think that whilst the developed countries continue economic growth, then it’s populations will continue to use credit, which has never been easier or more affordable, sadly. This is what is allowing the undeveloped world to grow. It’s a win-win like never before, and will continue, IMHO, for as long as the developed world can ‘carry’ the load…[Read more]

  • Brisbanite replied to the topic Selling Privately…best websites to list with? in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Nat R, you have only reinforced my despair of the damage that greed and self-interest can do to people and society. Nothing you have said changes my opinion about you, in fact, I hope people here, at least, might be better informed about the nature of the small percentage of small-minded people, like you, who are quite prepared to gleefully…[Read more]

  • Brisbanite replied to the topic Selling Privately…best websites to list with? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Thanking those who are helping get this thread back on topic, although Nat R persists in his put downs of me, I’ll leave Nat R with this…

    How can you honestly sit here and say I ripped them off?

    YOU SAID IT!!! I don’t need to. That is the impression I have from what you have said. I quote you, yet again…

    I have bought 2 houses off private…[Read more]

  • Brisbanite replied to the topic Selling Privately…best websites to list with? in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Now I’m getting annoyed … I only started this thread to get some information about good website, and I end up having to say this:

    To Nat R, and others…

    You can attempt to justify, as much as you like, the reasons behind your actions when you delibrately set out to take advantage of people less fortunate or intelligent than you … or to…[Read more]

  • Brisbanite replied to the topic Selling Privately…best websites to list with? in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Do you really think that the other 99.9% of the sellers in the market have got it wrong by using agents?

    No, I’ve never said that…where did that come from? I respect people’s right to choose, unlike you.

    Whether you are ever capable of respecting people who exercises their right to choose to sell their own property or not … your opinions…[Read more]

  • Brisbanite replied to the topic Selling Privately…best websites to list with? in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Already you have shown that you can’t emotianlly distance yourself from the sales process…this will lead to further problems as you try to sell the place.

    Here, we are not in a sales process…at all.

    Though, as a person fundementally respectful of others and their plights, I reserve the right to emotionally distance myself from someone of the…[Read more]

  • Brisbanite replied to the topic Selling Privately…best websites to list with? in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    I have bought 2 houses off private vendors and both times I have been able to completly screw the vendor as they did not have anybody with any skills helping them with the negotiations.

    You sound like a nice guy, NatR, NOT!

    You may believe that you’re smart, and indeed be able to ‘screw’ unsuspecting and honest people, but you will one day be…[Read more]

  • Brisbanite replied to the topic Selling Privately…best websites to list with? in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    people don’t trust real estate agents much – but they trust private sellers even less.

    It’s not personal, it’s just that there’s a certain “professionalism” that people expect to get from a REA, that people *believe* they won’t get from a private seller.

    It’s statements like that, that lead me to wonder if you were a REA…

    I’d say most…[Read more]

  • Brisbanite replied to the topic Selling Privately…best websites to list with? in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Well, thanks for you reply, but I wonder if you’re a REA?

    I’ve owned this land since 1987, and I’ve lost count of how many REAs have told me I wouldn’t get, $90K, $150K, and so on…and they have made me feel like a fool for daring to think that I would get what I believe it is worth at the time…despite their ‘expert’ opinions…they just want…[Read more]

  • Brisbanite replied to the topic How to become a fortune teller and maker in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    “5 familys a week” moving to QLD sounds a bit low…I heard it was 1000 a week (50KPA)

    In any case, its a healthy buffer for prices and rents.

  • Brisbanite replied to the topic Bye Bye NSW Property Market (long) in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Call me cynical …I’d doubt whether this additional and politically driven tax on IP investing in NSW increasing the state gov grab in an inflated and unstable market has been thought through by the NSW Gov, certainly not in a nation wide context.

    In my opinion, this is a major tinkering which will have far reaching consequences of which no one…[Read more]

  • Brisbanite replied to the topic need some oppinions in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    First post … yah.

    Like you, I was interested in engineering and headed off and did engineering, though once I graduated I found Australia industry didn’t provide work in the field I loved so headed OS … I found though, that I had, what turned out to be a very useful head for finance … I’m yet to suffer an investment loss, though I am…[Read more]
