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  • brisbane4069 replied to the topic Theory of Serviceability – aaarggghhh! in the forum Finance 13 years, 5 months ago

    The % used for rentals does vary between lenders, so it is a case of working the numbers. Also some lenders will not add a safety buffer on rate for servicing calculations, when you have 3 year fixed (may just be a portion) 

  • brisbane4069 replied to the topic LVR question from 2nd to third property? in the forum Finance 13 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Tristan,
    LVR and debt servicing are mutually exclusive & you have to tick the boxes on both.

    If you have currently $150k owing on $290k property AND you add another property worth $350k using an additional loan of say $360k your total borrowing is $510k on $640k total security = 79.7% Loan to Value Ratio. Yahooo, being under 80% means no…[Read more]

  • brisbane4069 replied to the topic Sell first, buy first, coincide settlement dates or what? in the forum Finance 13 years, 5 months ago

    I would go with option (f) and combine the strategy in (a) if acceptable to the purchaser – assuming you have the income to service the debt. This is preferrable to bridging which places a stressful timeline on the process & may affect your judgement when it comes to the crunch. Also applicable rate is bound to be better


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