Brett M replied to the topic Property accountant Albury in the forum Legal & Accounting 8 years ago
Does the accountant need to be in Albury, or will any accountant from NSW do? Also are all properties in Albury or are some on the Wodonga (Vic) side of the fence?
Brett M started the topic is live and free to use in the forum Heads Up! 8 years ago
Hi All
Quick note to let any (Australian residential only) property investors know that is available if you want to manage your investments from one place.
It’s pretty simple to use too.
Enter your property address and all the available market data is pulled in, including suburb growth rates, comparable sales etc, to which you…[Read more]
Brett M replied to the topic Resntvesting in the forum Creative Investing 8 years ago
I have seen rentvesting work particularly well when you rent in a share house with 3-4 others. Had a number of friends do this to get their first IP. If you’re splitting a nice place in an (expensive) inner city location with a few others, and buy a property elsewhere to lease out the numbers often add up nicely.
However not sure if it works as…[Read more]
Brett M‘s profile was updated 8 years ago
Brett Messer replied to the topic Investing In A Declining Market in the forum Creative Investing 8 years ago
I would suggest it depends on your time horizon and the quality of the property/location over the long run. Warren Buffett is fond of saying he looks for a great company at a fair price rather than a fair company at a great price. Then hang on forever. If that’s a good enough strategy to make $80 billion, then there’s probably some truth in it for…[Read more]
Brett Messer replied to the topic Property under contract. Help me please to calculate ROI in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago
If there is clearly a “Greed Button” being pushed by the seller then buyer beware!
That is great advice!
Brett Messer replied to the topic Property under contract. Help me please to calculate ROI in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago
If there is clearly a “Greed Button” being pushed by the seller then buyer beware!
That is great advice!
Brett Messer replied to the topic Property under contract. Help me please to calculate ROI in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago
If there is clearly a “Greed Button” being pushed by the seller then buyer beware!
That is great advice,
Brett Messer replied to the topic Becoming a more sophisticated investor in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago
Hi Ethan
What do you use to run the numbers, have you built your own spreadsheet or use a program?
BrettBrett Messer replied to the topic Seeking Business Partner – Real Estate – Property Management! in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago
Looks like we’ve got a mystery to solve Scoob
Brett Messer replied to the topic Question for small-scale developers: what would you do differently? in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago
Hi All, still learning the terminology here – what’s a DA?
Brett Messer replied to the topic Recommendations for the best mortgage broking course (online) in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Thanks guys. I found one that does the combined Cert 4 and diploma. Appreciate the assistance.
Brett Messer replied to the topic Recommendations for the best mortgage broking course (online) in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Thanks very much for the feedback. Looks like I need to understand the mentor process a little better.
As for mortgage broking courses, looks like they’re all more or less the same.
Finance institute: $695.
Kaplan: $585.…[Read more]Brett Messer started the topic Recommendations for the best mortgage broking course (online) in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Hi Everyone. I’m looking to complete a mortgage broking cert iv course and after recommendations on the best ones to choose from. I work full time at the moment in an unrelated field and want to do a course after hours/online. Minimum face to face contact hours preferably. Post completion I hope to build up clients part-time until I can transition…[Read more]
Brett Messer replied to the topic Tools for managing IP finances in the forum Legal & Accounting 9 years ago
Thanks Terry, I’ll check it out.
Brett M changed their profile picture 9 years ago
Brett Messer started the topic Tools for managing IP finances in the forum Legal & Accounting 9 years ago
Hi All,
This is my first post so apologies if this has been asked & answered a dozen times already.
Aside from Excel spreadsheets, are there any good tools to manage finances and calculate returns etc on 1-2 residential properties?
What does everyone do to track rents/expenses and calculate returns – I’ve been using excel for 10 years and it…[Read more]
Brett M became a registered member 9 years ago