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  • brettc4 replied to the topic Researching a Developer in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago

    Hi Benny,

    This would only be IP number 2. The previous one was new and it was complete. I was hoping to buy complete again.
    Yes, this one would also be in Adelaide – primary rational is to have a property for each of the kids. Diversify later.
    As for new, part of it is depreciation, the other primary reasons are:
    – I think it is easier to find…[Read more]

  • brettc4 started the topic Researching a Developer in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago

    I am considering buying another investment property. I am looking for a brand new home and in the area I am looking, the majority of new homes are House and Land packages.

    How do you research the Developer?

    In this case, they are called LOFTY BUILDING GROUP PTY LTD (
    They currently have about 290 Land and…[Read more]

  • brettc4 started the topic Researching a Developer in the forum Help Needed! 8 years ago

    I am considering buying another investment property. I am looking for a brand new home and in the area I am looking, the majority of new homes are House and Land packages.

    How do you research the Developer?

    In this case, they are called LOFTY BUILDING GROUP PTY LTD (
    They currently have about 290 Land and…[Read more]

  • To further clarify.

    Whose responsibility is it to ensure the ‘lead-in’ line from the house to the street is connected?

    I thought this was a normal service that would be connected to the street infrastructure just like water and sewage.


  • Hi All,

    I recently purchased a brand new property which I have since rented out. The block was previously subdivided, and I purchase one of the 2 new houses built on the property.

    The Builder put cabling inside the house for a telephone but it is not connected to the telephony infrastructure on the street.
    There was nothing in the contract to…[Read more]

  • Hi All,

    I recently purchased a brand new property which I have since rented out. The block was previously subdivided, and I purchase one of the 2 new houses built on the property.

    The Builder put cabling inside the house for a telephone but it is not connected to the telephony infrastructure on the street.
    There was nothing in the contract to…[Read more]

  • brettc4 started the topic Valuation and rental impact of a main road in the forum Help Needed! 10 years ago

    Hi All,

    I recently come across a townhouse development on a main road – 2 lanes both way – here in Adelaide.
    The properties have been reduced in price but as I am unsure of the impact on the property being on a main road, I am not sure if they have been reduced enough.

    The properties are new, they have commercial grade insulation around the…[Read more]

  • brettc4 started the topic Confused by calculation in current YIP magazine in the forum Help Needed! 10 years ago

    I have been reading the Story ‘Replace Your Income’ in the June issue of Your Investment Property and the calculations and assumptions used are confusing me, I am hoping someone can help explain them to me, or let me know where the assumptions/calculations are wrong.

    On Page 30, they are setting a Goal, $120,000 net income. They assume a Rental…[Read more]

  • brettc4 replied to the topic Advice about IP Reno in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    Thanks for the information.

    Wilko, when doing your calculations do you have a template that you follow. Is it something that is available and ensures you do not over look anything? Do you also have ball park figures for all of the different parts of the reno, render, kitchen etc to fit into your calculations, if it is a ball park, how did you…[Read more]

  • brettc4 replied to the topic Getting the right advice in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago

    Thanks for the responses people.  It has given me a number of avenues to persue.Cheers,Brett

  • brettc4 replied to the topic Garden Sleepers in the forum General Property 17 years ago

    Yeah, the old wooden sleepers are on their way to a dump.Thanks Marc for the link to the Boral products. I have been looking at the Outback Sleepers, concreate sleepers that use steel posts. I do have a recent Boral pricing guide and I believe the concrete sleepers will be a bit cheaper and since they are coloured and have a texture I am hoping…[Read more]

  • brettc4 replied to the topic Garden Sleepers in the forum General Property 17 years ago

    Thanks for responding.  Most of them are okay, just always looking for a way to make a little more cash.Cheers, Brett

  • brettc4 replied to the topic Avoiding mortage insurance in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    I am glad others are discussing this as I am trying to come to grips with this. I am currently reading 'More Wealth from Residential Property' by Jan Somers, and her discription of LVR seems to open up a number of possibilities which I believe are also being stated above.Here is my situtation:Current House Value $300,000. Own outrightPotential…[Read more]

  • brettc4 replied to the topic Line of Credit in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    Thanks Richard,Two follow-up question. 1. If I take out a line of Credit on a property I have the title for, will the line of credit provider keep the title until such time as I close the line of credit.2. If I have a Line of Credit with a maximum value of $100,000 is their a minimum I have to draw from it, or can the balance be '0' either because…[Read more]

  • brettc4 replied to the topic Line of Credit in the forum Help Needed! 18 years ago

    What I would like to know is how they work. They do not work as a standard loan, and the I believe the money can be used for anything. So how do you keep investmentmoney away from other spending.What sort of proof do you need to retain regarding the use of the funds?Is the Line of Credit secured against a single property, multiple properties or…[Read more]
