Total Members: 159,382


  • brent replied to the topic Peter Flanagan Property Seminar in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Chris,

    A few people to the forum went along to one his lunchtime free introductory sessions in Melbourne.

    Have a read about people’s thoughts here


    Brent Hodgson

  • brent replied to the topic Perth Accountant in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Alana,

    There was a post recently re: Perth Accountants, and a couple of names were mentioned.

    Check it out at

    Warm Regards

    Brent Hodgson

  • brent replied to the topic Steve’s new book? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    You want the latest update?? Huh? Huh?

    OK, here it is.

    Steve’s book is 99% of the way there. It’s been written, edited, and is now being typeset so that it can go into print.
    The front cover is being finalised right now, and we’re counting down the days until the first copies hit the shelves on August 1st, 2003 – barely 44 days away.

    No word…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic C’mon Steve – Wealth Guardian ??? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Essykay,

    WealthGuardian is now up and ready for you in the resources section.



  • brent replied to the topic .com? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi jubeiREI,

    Good question on the .com issue.

    The short answer is it’s because of our international appeal.

    Although the information we provide is fairly Australia-centric, we have a huge amount of members from outside of Australia. At our last seminar, we had people coming from all over Oceana and the Asia-Pacific region.
    We have members from…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic Here’s where to find +VE cashflow properties in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Great Work Red Card!

    It’s awesome to hear about your success. I hope this is just the start of something much bigger for you.

    Keep it up!

    Brent Hodgson

  • brent replied to the topic HELP! PROPERTY FOR $90K ART THERE ANY? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Sunni,

    I ran a quick search on and found these 200+ properties between $90-120k in Queensland. No doubt there’s a great deal in there somewhere.

    As for Ipswich, I’ve heard from a few people that it’s getting harder and harder to find great deals up there. Prices are up, and yields are down.

    But if you can’t find positive…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic UNLIMITED FINANCE in the forum No Subject 21 years, 6 months ago

    No idea Felicity. I guess the only way to find out is to get Steve to send away for his credit report.[:)]

    He does stick to 80% LVR loans though.

    The seminar which I was talking about was his original wrap seminar from a couple of years ago (I was listening to the recording recently).

    Sorry I can’t help you on this one.


  • brent replied to the topic UNLIMITED FINANCE in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Rachel,

    Lets see if I can answer some of your questions.

    In your seminar on obtaining unlimited Finance my take on this was that if you are structured right as a company trust that you are only going garentor on the loan and it goes on your personal income.

    Yep, essentially that’s it.

    As for credit record searches and enquiries – I…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic Rental viability? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Lizzie,

    I was doing the same thing this weekend just past.

    The way I did it was I went to real estate agents and asked them two questions. They were “How many rental properties do you manage?” and “Can I please grab a copy of your current rental list” (The please is very important)

    What I was able to see from this information was the types…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic Member photos in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Stretch,

    You probably can’t see it from where you’re standing, but we’re under the hood right now installing some turbo-charged new features.

    One of those features is an upgrade to the forums which will allow members to do pretty much everything you said in your post.

    I just wanted to say thanks for the suggestion – and…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic Property Spotters? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Sounds like you’ve got yourself a plan. What’s your next step? To find a region which fits your criteria, then look for a good buyers agent in the area?
    Take action and go for it!

    You might consider grabbing a copy of Fast-Track. It talks about how Steve McKnight and David Bradley chose their niche area, and began investing.

    One thing which…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic Meesage for Brent-Roll Call in the forum No Subject 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Leigh,

    Sorry about taking so long to notice your post in here.

    I don’t see why you couldn’t start a post where people introduce themselves. After all, we designed to be an online community of property investors – not another property investing web-site.

    So long as everyone plays by the forum rules, you can post what you…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic Property Spotters? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Kristoffer,

    Yes, there are bird-doggers out there – people who go out and search for properties, and pass some (or all) of these properties on to other people for a fee. This is often called ‘flipping’, but various regulations and law changes have made it more and more difficult to do.

    There is also a type of Real Estate agent which can do…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic anyone got a tape player? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 6 months ago

    lol – Fair point.

    The problem is, when we put something out on tapes, people ask for CD’s – when we put it out on CD’s, people ask for tapes.

    Then why choose tapes?

    1) They’re the lowest common denominator (ie – almost everyone still has a tape player – and if they don’t, it’s fairly cheap to pick up a walkman)
    2) They’re easier to produce.
    3)…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic C’mon Steve – Wealth Guardian ??? in the forum No Subject 21 years, 6 months ago

    Okay… I’ll see about making it available early this week.


    Brent Hodgson Admin

  • brent replied to the topic Look Before Your Leap Suggestion in the forum No Subject 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hey Guys,

    Fair point with the issue of questions being previously answered. I can see both sides of the coin though.

    When we get the new, upgraded forums, we’re able to put up ‘sticky notes’ – posts which essentially stay at the top of the forums. Perhaps the first sticky note should be a welcome message, followed by some tips on getting the…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic HELP!! in the forum No Subject 21 years, 6 months ago

    The short answer is no.

    Sounds like you’ve been gazumped.

    Verbal contracts aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. Until the vendor accepts a formal written offer and signs a contract of sale, the property is essentially still on the market.

    I guess your choices are;

    1. To either persue the property – you may end up in a bidding war, or it…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic Help! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi jempire,

    There are a couple of sites around. I remember was mentioned at the seminar, and I think the other one was

    Also, check out the links page – particularly the sites under the “Facts, Figures & Statistics” section.

    I hope this helps

    Warm Regards

    Brent…[Read more]

  • brent replied to the topic What the APIM game was all about in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Steve
    The game went a long way in helping overcome a number of fears in just getting out there and doing it. Roleplay is a wonderful way of experiencing life in safety.
    Can I make a suggestion that someone (I would volunteer but at the moment I am working 16 hour days)organise game nights where participants can hone their skills and…

    [Read more]

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