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  • brendogs replied to the topic Change of plans in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    In all seriousness, wilko1 thank you for that post it was probably the first one that has actually made me think of a few different options. The way you put it made me see it easier with the $100 positive per week or work on creating more equity. I personally want to get the best of both worlds ie get a property with development/subdivision…[Read more]

  • brendogs replied to the topic Change of plans in the forum That is ingenious wilko1, are 12 years ago

    That is ingenious wilko1, are the odds really 0.1% at $50k?

    I've just had a lightbulb moment. If I get the $50k personal loan and put $100k down that would raise me to 0.2%?

    Thanks Steve for creating this forum!

  • brendogs replied to the topic Change of plans in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    Thank you very much for your reply, I totally understand what your saying and it's already a major part of my searching criteria. I think we have gone a tiny bit off topic here. So if we go back to my initial question :)

    brendogs wrote:

    What my question is, would I be better off purchasing 1 property around the $150k – $250k range in the more…[Read more]

  • brendogs replied to the topic Change of plans in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    Ok I understand why you are questioning my intentions I'll try and break up my steps that have brought me to where I am now.

    Firstly a couple years ago I had just under $20k in the bank and thought I'm not too far away from purchasing a property. Then the more I researched I realized I didn't want to just purchase a house around the corner and…[Read more]

  • brendogs replied to the topic Change of plans in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    I'm not a believer in forecasting growth in this market. Nor do I trust any of the sources who talk about "Hot Spots" around Victoria. So I have decided to be a pro-active investor and make my own profits or income based on good deals.

    I am definitely in an aggressive investing mindset, 6 months ago a deal fell thru which was on a sizeable block…[Read more]

  • brendogs replied to the topic sub division in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Great Thread guys, I am looking down a very similar path on a deal I’m looking into at the moment!

    Very Helpful information.

  • brendogs replied to the topic Getting Finance for multi-unit development in the forum Finance 13 years ago

    Oh ok that’s fair enough, thanks again. I think I may have been out bidded on this deal, so now it’s down to the mind games with the agent who I do not trust even the slightest! All the best with your development mate!

    Regards Brendon

  • brendogs replied to the topic Getting Finance for multi-unit development in the forum Finance 13 years ago

    I totally understand what your saying there Terryw but I should have directed my question to AALLII. Thanks for your response, I have done my research and I do believe that structure to be the best for this particular project as it is for yours. Which accountant did you get to set this up for you? I don’t have much faith in my accountant for…[Read more]

  • brendogs replied to the topic Getting Finance for multi-unit development in the forum Finance 13 years ago


    You say make sure you get your structure planned out properly. I am about to put an offer on a property in which I’d like to develop in 2 or so years time once I get some of the debt paid down. I am thinking of a 4-5 unit development on the block, what structure would suit it best in your opinion?

    I want to make sure I have this sorted…[Read more]

  • brendogs replied to the topic Personal Loan to Aid Finance in USA in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    I hear what your saying there jayhinrichs, I am only posing the question in order to gain some opinions from people who are doing it over there. I am continually hearing that these systems are not working as initially planned over there. I know it’s a hard rocky road although some people around these forums make it sound so easy and misleading I…[Read more]

  • brendogs replied to the topic Personal Loan to Aid Finance in USA in the forum Overseas Deals 13 years ago

    Hi Steve, Thanks for the reply I really appreciate it!

    I would be aiming to pay the personal loan down with my standard weekly savings that I have been putting aside for the past year or so. Rather than bringing money overseas from the US, I would let the money pool as a reserve for a rainy day and then when I get a larger sum I would consider…[Read more]

  • Great post TRADEEBA,

    I’m currently starting my due diligence on the whole US investment system etc…

    I have looked into the DIY route, but I think I may miss this step for my first purchase or 2 as I would hate to make any mistakes! I will definitely be going through a Buyers Agent, still deciding which one is best. I guess I’m going to have to…[Read more]

  • brendogs replied to the topic Rick Otton in the forum The Treasure Chest 14 years ago

    What products do you have there and where are you located Ryan?


  • brendogs replied to the topic Comm bank property game in the forum Heads Up! 14 years ago

    I just finished up, very fun :)

  • brendogs replied to the topic Granny Flat / Bungalow Rent? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    How would I find out if the granny flat is legal or not? There isn’t any plans on the section 32 of the property.


  • brendogs replied to the topic Granny Flat / Bungalow Rent? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    HI there,

    The property is located in Rural Victoria.

  • brendogs replied to the topic Granny Flat / Bungalow Rent? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Surely someone has something to add to this post?

  • brendogs replied to the topic Mildura vs Bendigo in the forum General Property 14 years ago


    Thanks for the reply, how long have you had the properties for? Also have you experienced any growth in the past few years?

    I recently went up there for a trip and driving through the so called less desirable areas, they seem very clean and much more affordable prices. I am definitely considering a purchase in those areas but I am…[Read more]

  • brendogs replied to the topic Financing for first IP in the forum Finance 14 years ago

    I’m comfortable sharing my situation on here with like minded people Jamie M. Nearly every user here is on this forum for the same reason and maybe my question may answer someone elses similar situation!

    I don’t know who the brokers are on here, I’m from Melbourne so does it matter if I do it face to face or is over the phone with interstate…[Read more]

  • brendogs replied to the topic How much worse can it get? in the forum I was reading something that 14 years ago

    I was reading something that made me giggle quite immensely a week or 2 ago."According to the latest daily statement from the U.S. Treasury, the government had an operating cash balance of $73.8 billion at the end of the day yesterday. Apple's last earnings report showed that the company had $76.2 billion in cash and marketable securities at the…[Read more]

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