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  • brady05 replied to the topic Statistical Information in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Also from SA, so what your question, are you trying to find a data base of sale price & rent return? If so,

    Personally I havent found any, however when searching for property often the detail are listed in the advertisement

    Unfortunately with real estate you have to ‘find out the hard way! local newspapers website etc piece it together…[Read more]

  • brady05 replied to the topic How to get 90% loan in rural areas in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    Thanx for the quick reply simon
    Thinking of investing in a town with appox 30000 popn in SA or Vic

    However at this point in time I am still in the research stage….. what broker specialise in regional loans for vic/sa?


  • brady05 replied to the topic Profit Program in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    Love a copy of your xl spreadsheed
    could u forward it to [email protected]


    Hi Guys,
    Im sure this has been done before, but i figured ill put my limited, but effective method up. I have put together a basic excel spread sheet. Plug the numbers in and gives u the return etc. Saves time and is quite quick and effective…[Read more]


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