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Bradley Beer

  • Bradley Beer replied to the topic Depreciation Schedule + Positive Cashflow Property??? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Todd,

    Yes depreciation can be claimed as a deduction for positive and negatively geared property. The great thing about depreciation is that you can use the deduction to off set other income such as your salary which will increase your cash return. As a general rule, if you are paying income tax in any given financial year claiming…[Read more]

  • Bradley Beer replied to the topic Turning PPOR to IP..negative or positive geared? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Hornbill,From what you have told me about your property, there will definitely be some great deductions available for depreciation. So as long as your property is producing income and you have some income to offset, these deductions will increase your cash-flow each financial year.If you want further insight please do not hesitate to ask…[Read more]

  • Bradley Beer replied to the topic Turning PPOR to IP..negative or positive geared? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 11 months ago

    Hornbill,If you are looking to rent the property out. A Tax Depreciation Schedule can certainly add some financial benefit to your Tax Return at the End of the Financial Year.Regarding your query about whom can help, the ATO considers Quantity Surveyor's as having the skills and knowledge to estimate and assign values to the building and it's…[Read more]

Bradley Beer

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