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  • bradhorton replied to the topic NO CASHFLOW !!!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    thanks for your comments All are rented well its just I cant keep buying as my yearly CF is down from my day job…I would like to do prop investing full time …hard to do with no CF……


  • bradhorton replied to the topic Any advice on purchasing property? in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    HI if your new to in Property investing stick to the basics .
    -buy price is top priority keep it simple and just buy a house on a section stay away from apartments …
    -remember worst house best street……
    -the more written offers out their the better I always use the Due diligence clause in my offers (easy to get out) (If not cancled it is…[Read more]

  • bradhorton replied to the topic Help! My first IP is still not renting in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    Ive had this problem before run an add in the paper with a bold heading saying “FREE RENT” giving them 1 weeks free rent for a fixed term contract is great you get heaps of reply’s may be put the agents number on their…..(ask them First) …. always met them their in person (or the agent can thats their job)….also I set up on…[Read more]


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