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  • Brad1m replied to the topic Property under business name ? in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 7 months ago

    OK:Went back to a book that I read a year or so back, "How investing in Commercial Property really works" and the way I C it is, you can set up a company and only pay 30% tax, BUT! there is a whole of of legal reporting to do and it really seems to me that it's a whole lot of paperwork and legal stuff ie: reporting, laws to learn and know and…[Read more]

  • Brad1m replied to the topic Reno: Hold and rent, or sell ? in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Crashy I cant say that i  100% understand what you are saying ?Lets say that you buy a property worth  $175K  add agent fees, stamp duty, solicitors fees and so on spend $15K up-grading  that works out to be $200K with 80% LVR thats about $40K of your own $$$ as deposit.. Now property is finished  and re-valued @ $240K giving $40K equity. Now…[Read more]

  • Brad1m replied to the topic Reno: Hold and rent, or sell ? in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks Adrian and Megan.Guess the only thing to do is put the numbers down on a spreadsheet and make a decision from there. But even then the decision is not an easy one.As Adrian said, property typically doubles every 7 to 10 years so but hold is always good if you can. But as Megan pointed out,  personal circumstances and cash flow drain might…[Read more]

  • Brad1m replied to the topic 26 to 3 homes in 2 years in the forum No Subject 19 years, 9 months ago

    Hi :

    Im not as sophisticated as an investor for what your doin , but I do agree on the take the profit and roll it into something else strategy.

    Just doing that at the moment.


  • Brad1m replied to the topic Seen It All Before? in the forum General Property 19 years, 10 months ago

    Im thinking last minute rush to get in before interest rate rise ?


  • Brad1m replied to the topic Have I held this property a little to long? in the forum General Property 19 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks all:

    I went with the take the money and run theory.
    Now all I have to do is make this profit make more profit.


  • Brad1m replied to the topic Decisions,decisions,decisions! in the forum General Property 19 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks Kay :

    But still leaning toward the CG stuff in the high growth areas

  • Brad1m replied to the topic Decisions,decisions,decisions! in the forum No Subject 19 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Joe:

    To be honest, only did about 1 week researching the +CF stuff,first had to find a few +CF towns then had to narrow it down then went to the town and asked publicans, shop owners, butchers, ect plenty of Q’s.
    Checked out growth rates and surrounding areas.
    Asked plenty of Q’s in surrounding towns.

    Very limited time frame to work with, So…[Read more]

  • Brad1m replied to the topic Considering selling due to interest rate concerns? in the forum General Property 19 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Steve :

    Bye the way , your Books are great , The MAP was excellent and the book was highly enlightening.

    I just sold a vacant block, simply because im speculating that the land wont have extra-ordinary gains over the next 5 or so years ? Pure speculation, decision was based on interest rates and what appears to be a slowing and even slight…[Read more]

  • Brad1m replied to the topic Researching the rental market in the forum General Property 19 years, 10 months ago


    Must admit still a bit bamboozald by it all.
    So many what ifs?
    First plan was to build new 4 bedder on one of the blocks we have. That was part 1 of plan A.
    Part 2 of plan A was to sell another block.
    Loosing some equity value, but cashing up and then taking that cash and perchasing a good size block in a good zone and breaking it into 2…[Read more]

  • Brad1m replied to the topic Building Valuation in the forum General Property 19 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Mate :

    Im pretty new to this stuff myself, so dont take this a gospel.

    I was going for a loan to build a house on a block that I perchased about 12 months ago.

    Had the valuation done and it came up shorter than I expected, because the last house to sell in the area that was the same as my plans 4 bed DLUG was only $260K, this was an older…[Read more]

  • Brad1m replied to the topic What info is best and where is best place to get? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 10 months ago

  • Brad1m replied to the topic Looking for suggestions in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 7 months ago

    OK All:
    Looks like im not looking at this from the right angle, this is the point where i ask ?
    Where is the advantage in selling now?

    I read a quote in this site that said:

    Sometimes a blind man can see what a sighted man cant.
    Guess IM that sighted man at the moment ?

    Could someone point out some of the advantages in selling now…[Read more]

  • Brad1m replied to the topic Looking for suggestions in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 7 months ago

    Sorry folks!
    The numbers dont add up to do this at the moment.
    Your opinions are appreciated though.[computer]
    Anyone have a strategy?


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