BOC911 replied to the topic Board Game?????????? in the forum Heads Up! 20 years, 12 months ago
be carefull if you buy one on e-bay. i saw one going cheap, but it didnt come with a video or the audio tapes that accompany it.
If you have kids, there is also Cash flow for kids, and after you master cash flow 101, you can buy the next game cashflow 202 where you are investing on the fast track, using investments and strategies of the…[Read more]
BOC911 replied to the topic Millionaire Wanna Be in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 12 months ago
If there is one book you should read, try “Prophecy” by Robert Kiyosaki, its a real eye opener.
Try not to over load yourself with too much information at once. Read one book, if you like the ideas, then try to make them a part of your life, then on to the next book. Just making one new great idea a part of your life, can change your life…[Read more]
BOC911 replied to the topic Newbie making first post in the forum General Property 21 years ago
hi and welcome,
also new to this forum. Hope you find it useful and informative, as i already have. Good luck on finding the property you are looking for. I’M currently on the hunt for my first positive cash flow property, and also love reading both investing and self development books.
BOC911 replied to the topic Book Keeper required in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago
Thanks mate,
i will ring around and see who seems to be the most appropriate.
BOC911 replied to the topic Starting point suggetsions in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thanks for the ideas,
I have already got on to few agents who call me at various times if something comes up, but still to find something worth buying.
I will endevour to build relationships with various agents in areas i have been looking at, and see if the result is different over the next month or so.
Ben :0)
BOC911 replied to the topic Starting point suggetsions in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Thanks for my first reply,
i have been getting on the internet each day and typing different areas that i think of, or have noticed in API magazine or read about in the paper. What i then do in check for what seems a good price in the area. I then contact abou 5 different agents in the area for information on rental demands, returns etc. This…[Read more]