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  • BMW replied to the topic Buying a residential property on industrial zoned land?? in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago

    mjm2 wrote:
    Apparently the vendor does not want to produce a section 32 until he gets an offer he is happy with…..

    Isn't it illegal to advertise a property without a contract ready? 

  • BMW replied to the topic Use of equity in PPOR to place a deposit for IP in the forum Finance 12 years ago

    better to do this than use your own cash IMO as the whole IP loan(s) is tax deductable even though some of it is secured against your PPOR. just don't cross your IP and PPOR loans. best see a good broker

  • BMW replied to the topic Greek Bail Out Explained in the forum Forum Frolic 12 years ago

    Had this one sent to me when the stimulus package was first announced. thought it was pretty stupid then too.

  • BMW replied to the topic IO on IP while still carrying PPOR mortgage? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    If its your first property, its definately worth talking to a broker.  Don't fall into the cross collateralisation trap as Richard mentions above. been there done that, it's a nightmare to when it comes to number 2.

  • BMW replied to the topic First bussiness to be sold at a loss!! in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Jpcashflow wrote:
    Hi every one, We are in the process of selling our bussiness, unfortunately the bussiness has been for sales at 500k (this is what we owe) For about 6 months but in order to get a sale in this current climate we might need to take a 50k to 100k loss. Our bussiness is set up as family trust an my wife and I are only 28 so we can…[Read more]

  • BMW replied to the topic Your Creative Investments (2012) in the forum Creative Investing 13 years ago

    bricman wrote:
    HiMy creative project was at the end of last year and well not so creative as some suggestions on this forum, it was to me.We bought a relocatable cabin for $16k along with all the costs involved to install on my IP site (TOTAL $36k) and we rent it out currently for $200 p/w along with the main house. A dual occupation project.The…[Read more]

  • BMW replied to the topic Window coverings in the forum Value Adding 13 years ago

    yep, my PM told me to stay away from Venetian and vertical blinds as they will never be cleaned by the tenants and are high maintenance.

  • BMW replied to the topic Where to now? in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    We just bought in Dubbo. getting about 6.5% gross return without doing any work. hopefully we can lift it with a bit of TLC if the tenant ever moves out.The prospects look good with 1% rental vacancy and the prospect of 1000 new jobs in 2 new mines plus any indirect jobs over the next few years.Long term Wellington to me doesn't seem to be a…[Read more]

  • BMW replied to the topic How to hide sale details in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Apparently it is possible if you are a politician, for the plebs it's possibly different.

    Of the 20 townhouses, built by developers Brian and Garry Boyd, the purchase price of only two apartments in the block was not disclosed to land titles department. They were Mr Arbib's and Mr Roozendaal's.

  • BMW replied to the topic Adding Equity Through Solar Panels? in the forum Value Adding 13 years ago

    Barry O'farrel tried to cut the tariff for existing installations but caved in to public pressure.  Cambell Newman might have more guts though ;).we have a 1.5KW system cost us $400 in total ($9000 by the tax payer), and havent paid a power bill for 2 years.  Doubtful if it has added any value to the house although solar systems are in some RE adds.

  • BMW replied to the topic Adding Equity Through Solar Panels? in the forum Value Adding 13 years ago

    The problem is your income is only possible due to government subsidies and rebates.  How long will these last?  Probably not long with a slowing economy and a general push back against green madness (thanks to the Carbon tax). In NSW new installations only recieve 20c per KW tariff down from 60c.  this also applies if a connection change…[Read more]

  • Also interested in the Renovation Toolbox or The Complete Renovation System. please PM me if anyone is interested in selling.cheers,Ben

  • BMW replied to the topic Researching an area in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago is pretty good for sales and listing history, not complete but its free.

  • jadamo76 wrote:
    BMW thanks. Can I ask how much your paying in letting fee? and is there a re-let fee attached?

    we haven't signed any contracts yet but two weeks rent is the norm in this fee is generally between 7-9% (so i have been told ;-))

  • How many people with only 1 investment property get 5% plus GST for management fee?we will be getting 5.5% at family rates also in a regional area

  • BMW replied to the topic The Folly of Median House Prices in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Yep, I was looking at property online in Dunedoo, a small town in central west NSW. Was surprised the medium price was $220 000. Seemed a bit expensive, until I realised it was based on only one sale.

  • BMW replied to the topic Sewerage pipes …help please. Want to build a granny flat in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    If the council is saying you can't build, then you most likely wont be able too.if the sewer pipe is your internal line to the main council line, you may be able to move this at a cost.if it is the council line, you have bucleys chance.  The drainage diagram should indicate the location of these, but you can also check the location of the c…[Read more]

  • BMW replied to the topic Q.S. Report in the forum General Property 13 years ago

    Just bought a IP that was built in the late 70s. While the property is in good condition there doesn't appear to be any new renovation. ie kitchen, bathroom carpets, window coverings are probably about 10 years old.for this IP would it be worth getting a QS report?  i am thinking the depreciation on most items for tax purposes would be over and…[Read more]

  • BMW replied to the topic Bought a house for $22,000 in NSW in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    Well done Engelo. I have family in Coonamble, and just driving around recently I have noticed a lot more properties for sale.  Could have something to do with a new agent in town but I have also heard of one particular investor struggling to find tenants and also buyers.  But at $22K sounds like you found a good deal.

  • BMW replied to the topic Commission housing in Orange in the forum Help Needed! 13 years ago

    You might want to check with a few local property managers, In Dubbo many of the property managers won't take on properties in  high density housing commission areas.

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