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  • bmudie replied to the topic Rick Otton “No Money Down” Boot Camp: 16th – 18th April in the forum Heads Up! 15 years, 1 month ago

    I understand Richard. So do you have a solution? If so I’d love to catch up.
    I’ve also seen mortgage documents that require the lenders consent to simply rent a property – how crazy is that!

    This thread has gone off topic, so i’ll leave it with the thought of how nice life would be if you didn’t need bank finance to begin with!! ;-)

  • Hi guys,

    In a way, it’s a good thing that the lenders are cautious as a rule… Although in the past I’ve found that employing the right people often means that there is someone willing to use their discretion and common sense.

    If all else fails, there are many more ways to put transactions together. I prefer to fit the right tool to each…[Read more]

  • Hi Mattnz,

    Yeah I remember that, it was a great deal for everyone!
    I suppose the definition of “expensive” will be different for everyone… For me, it was far more expensive not knowing this stuff earlier. The money I’ve saved (not including the profit made!) in just one deal alone would pay for this course 5 times over!!


  • bmudie replied to the topic Lease option-WRAP Mentor/Assistance in the forum Creative Investing 17 years ago

    Hi Gav,Looks like it could be a great deal!I've sent you a PM with some info..Cheers,Brett

  • bmudie replied to the topic FHOG with Wraps in QLD in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks guys, appreciate your comments. I find that ruling quite unfair for 1st home buyers, meaning they cannot use the FHOG to pay down principle and gain equity like any other mortgagee… Ah well… Them's the breaks I s'pose…Happy FY08 to all!  Cheers,Brett

  • bmudie replied to the topic FHOG with Wraps in QLD in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks Paul.. Just to clarify… Do all conditions have to be met?IE – Does this mean that after 12 months, on a $300k property they have to have paid off $30k of the principle before they can receive it? I just can't work this out… On normal sort of loan terms, you'd only pay a few grand off in principle over the first year.To my reckoning…[Read more]


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