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  • bluezinc replied to the topic Accountant, Financial Planners and Mortgage Brokers in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Badger,Depending what sort of asset level we're talking about here, I would recommend finding Financial Planner that charge 'fee for service' model instead of commission based. I had been let down before by an FP company, who was driven by the commission instead of my interest, but I still believe most FP's have good intention though.At that ti…[Read more]

  • bluezinc replied to the topic Property price/value during depression in the forum General Property 15 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Kenny and all, My personal research is really based on analysts' comments, historical data presented by some youtube users, which probably half of those are rubbish, and also some discussion with few people who actually experienced recessions in other countries. I've taken into account that some analysts' comment are very extreme and very US…[Read more]


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