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  • bliXy replied to the topic First Property…. in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 5 months ago

    Looks like I may also have some problems getting a loan as I am currently contracting (through my own limited company) since the start of this year.

  • bliXy replied to the topic First Property…. in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks Richard.Yeah, prices in London are high but they seem to be going down lately with everyone talking about the credit crunch.Do you know how I would be taxed on rental income on an IP in Aus as I am currently a non-resident for tax purposes and do not have to do any tax returns? The other factors that I was considering was the high interest…[Read more]

  • bliXy replied to the topic What would you do with 7k? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago

    nice tip on the bhp shares. i checked them out and they were down to 27ish. Just checked then and they are up to 29.33. Unfortunately I don’t have a trading account (apart from hsbc which Ive been told have ridiculous fees).

  • bliXy replied to the topic What would you do with 7k? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 7 months ago

    Well, I was thinking of paying some of my HECS debt which is about 20k. I have no consumer debt despite using credit cards. I currently use my cc to pay for my bills, groceries etc and park the money I would be spending into my ING. At the moment it’s all in ING and another 1k in managed funds (Japan Platinum)…well…it was 1k but now its $930!…[Read more]


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