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  • blingbling81 replied to the topic is anyone investing in rural towns! in the forum Creative Investing 14 years, 9 months ago

    blingbling81 wrote:
    just wondering if anyone is investing in rural towns as im looking at a positive cashflow property  but need some advice as if it is worth it in the long run with litle capital gains in the areaa. its $80000 and rents for $150 wk  but 9% growth where as i have found another one for $160000 and renting for $200 wk but 1…[Read more]

  • blingbling81 replied to the topic dalby in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago

    dont just take i opinion as i have looked out there and oakey and if you can secure a positive cash flow property then y not, you need to ask yourself if you are after capital gains or rental return?  you can ask as many questions about a suburb but when it comes down to it you need to invest in what u think suits ure posittion as everyones is different

  • its a tough subject isnt it. if it says i cant claim investment on vacant land then theorecticaly it isnt vacant land with a bilboard and an income which exactly describes an investment so im not sure how to structure it . very confusing :) also i have an investment property in gympie which is rented the first week in jan, i heard i can claim the…[Read more]


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