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  • Hi everyone!First of all i thank all of you for your advice, opinions and information! you've all been very, very helpful and i've learnt quite alot so far! i'll definitely be saving this thread for future references! :DAs for the annoying tenant, my dad went again today and finally found the tenant at the house. We've been trying to get a hold of…[Read more]

  • blay replied to the topic Getting Rid of Tenants…the start of the tenancy was very dodgey in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 2 months ago

    Hi tracey and propertypower! Thank you for replying! Good Morning and Merry christmas to you two also! hahaha I thought people would be sleeping in on Christmas day…Anyways this morning me and my dad woke up early to go see the tenant. Unsurprisingly he wasn't home/didn't answer the door. We went to the Tenant's Guarantor's house (who lives just…[Read more]


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