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  • Thanks for the replies.

    You’re right, Leila. Although no cross words have been exchanged, there is a moody silence between us. He is a 6’2″ (wide and tall), intimidating, butt-crack-revealing dimwit. This is not just my experience but also that of the two previous owners of my house dating back to 1985.

    Not only has he managed to breed (three obese, butt-crack-revealing children), he has also managed to put offside neighbours no less than three deep in every direction with his V8 revving, angle-grinding, dog barking antics.

    I am not Tassie born and bred and before I lived here I’d heard of all the jokes about tasmanians (in bred, two heads, etc). I have never been one to capsulate a ‘breed’ within a framework of deficiencies but, alas, I happen to be living next to the embodiment of feral-ness you can only suffer in imaging.

    (As an aside, I have to share this – As I sunned myself the other day with the Sunday paper, ‘it’ decided to commence work on some project amongst the wreckage of ‘its’ backyard involving some kind of shifting of some pile of sh@!%t from one end of the back yard to the other. If I’d had a camera I would have suggested some sort of ‘shoot’ as he sashayed about in what I can only imagine was some sort of kidney belt (moto-x days) encircled (read ‘hog-tied’) about its “waist” (were there one) that thereby created a ‘waist’ for which the gut to over-floweth.

    I gagethed upon my tea.)

    All of the above…. long day at work + zero tolerance for humankind in general = start generalisations, lack of detail explaining exasperation, etc…

    To all you feral, butt crack type people, I love you and respect you…. just don’t choose to live beside me.

    Mmmmmwwwwaaahhh [kiss]

    … you’ve just finished a 10 hour day at work, taken your son and his friends to yet another sports activity, the meat for dinner is still in the freezer and you’re only half way through the uni assignment that is due tomorrow.

    The one vice left in your life is that cigarette you have with a cup of tea when you get home before you get tea on, clean up the debris in the living room, go and pick up the kids, put on the washing, have dinner, help with homework, do your own homework, clean up after dinner, do tomorrows ironing, blah, blah, blah.

    So.. on the way home from work one realises that ones secret stash of cigarettes has depleted!!! Weighing up the valuable time it takes, one stops at the supermarket, dodges the disorganised trolley-bearing cretins that choose to do their shopping during ‘peak hour’, praises the gods that there is a separate counter for those of us unholy enough to smoke, only to be blatently ignored by the checkout chick who persists in serving blank faced, eye twitching, feet shuffling ‘express’ shoppers balancing what one can only assume are the vital incredients for some exotic meal (things like potatoes or icecream, of course) that they have been ordered out of the house to retrieve should the whole evening meal be ruined.

    Now THAT’s annoying !!!



    … this post got me thinking about what we used to do as children to prepare for xmas (other than shopping). Whatever happened to paper chains? My sisters and I used to make these go for miles. And, what about the snowflakes you used to make by folding paper several times over, nicking out little bits with scissors (under parental supervision of course [cap])?

    Ooh, ooh, and those papermache baubles that your made around balloons blown up and then decorated with old xmas paper cuttings or ‘shiny’ paper!?

    Ok, I’m depressing myself now. This damn introspection is making me realise that I have never done this sort of stuff with my own child. I could start now but as he’s a teenage boy already I think this may cause the cancellation of xmas altogether.

    Look out ye little nephews of few years! Aunty Nasty is bring the xmas spirit your way – and you will be joyous!!! [xmas]

    Hi Awalsh,

    Welcome to the PI forum!

    I’ve had a two bedroom unit in Stuart Park as an investment property since 1998 (nearly 7 years). Prior to leaving Darwin I lived in Darwin, Stuart Park and Parap.

    Any knowledge I can offer is only through experience. As far as the state of the market, I can only share my observations. There has been very little growth compared to other states over the last four/five years. I have noticed, however, that there is less and less on the market in the price range I would normally look at in the last couple of months.

    If you’ve got any specific questions, I’ll look out for your response and do my best to help out.


    Hi apmal7716,

    I’m in pretty much the same boat as you. I’ve estimated that $50,000 will get me the extension that I want which includes living space, kitchen and a face-lift for the bathroom.

    In addition to your detail though, I have about $150,000 in equity on the house and am positive that the $50,000 spent could simply be added to the sale price and be achievable.

    My dilemma is whether it’s worth spending the money and going through the hassle of having the work done, or saving the money and simply selling for that amount less [blink].

    Good luck with the finance and I’ll be watching your thread to steal ideas where handy.

    ps. Welcome to the forum. [evo]

    Good Luck [angry2]

    I’m onto my third property manager in Darwin – signed last week. (No results yet in finding a tenant or even communication about efforts they are making). They seem to be the most expensive (ie. 10.5% & 1.5 wks rent up front) but going by the last two I’m hoping it’s worth it.

    I don’t know if I can mention by name the two PM/Real Estate agents I’ve had trouble with but pm if you want to know.

    My woes have been going on for about 8 months now and have included tenants from hell, PM’s responsible leaving, two weeks onsite trying to remedy damage and upgrade inside, etc, etc.

    I know I’m negative about the whole thing but I’m still wondering where it will all end. I don’t want to sell (everyone has said I should) because it was my first home and I hope someday to return, but the hassles have seemed endless.

    There has to be a good PM out there and I really hope you find him/her (and that you’ll share your experience on the forum).

    Best of luck to you.

    Your game, Matt.

    With the current tenant & PM troubles I’m having with my existing IP I don’t know if I could bring myself to invest in either Rokeby or Risdon Vale or surrounding suburbs.

    I certainly can’t afford to invest in New Town again – as much as I’d like to. There are still a couple of affordable properties in Goodwood and Moonah (never thought I’d invest there either!) and I’m still eyeing off New Norfolk (although the prices there are way over-priced at the moment but I think will be the first to drop should/when rates go up.

    I’m afraid I’m an old, cute house type person and I would also love some land (Collinsvale/Molesworth ?!?), but I do buy from the heart not the head.

    Just down the road, Matt!!

    With four little kiddies already you could just about open your own school soon!

    I’ve only got one IP too (and PPOR) but study the Real Estate guide religiously amongst other things. Always on the lookout but equally disheartened knowing how cheap places were just a couple of years ago. Hindsight *sigh*…

    ps. Was at Dunalley last week for a play. Pass through occasionally on the way to see the olds at Taranna. Yummy bakery.



    That’s social suicide!!! (His, that is)

    Hey Matt,

    Hobart (New Town). Moved here to go to Uni 7 years ago and still haven’t finished [blush2].

    Where are you?

    Thanks Jo.

    Your dropping your own son off at school reminded me of a morning we were running late for work and school. Normally I drop him off half way so as long as no-one’s watching I still get a kiss on the cheek goodbye.

    This particular morning, to avoid being late to class I took him right up to the front door. Kids everywhere (all boys school too) and he attempted to get out of the car without the obigatory kiss on the cheek! As he raised his hand to the door handle, I too raised mine to my door handle. Smiling I advised: “If I don’t get my kiss goodbye I’ll get out and run after you, calling loudly that you forgot to kiss your mother goodbye”.

    There was a standoff. [cowboy2]

    After much begging and pleading I conceded to his release. It cost him three cups of tea!

    Negotiation… something I know he can thank me for later in life. [biggrin]

    OMG [crying]

    My reference to “now we’re going gay” was about the developing conversation between WallFlower and MA. If my post could be interpreted by anyone as offensive I apologise. I simply mentioned it as another term used to generalise groups of people.

    My giant baby is 14 (last Saturday). With a bit of struggling he still let’s his old mum cuddle him. He took me to see Shrek 2 on Sunday (yes… in public !!!) but won’t let me hold his hand crossing the road anymore though. At about 5’10” and with size 11 feet we’ve had to create a few new rules about our body slamming competitions and from now on when I say ‘I give up’ I MEAN IT!

    OK… I can’t help it.

    I am a single mother (14 year veteran – times are interesting [blink]). I also drink, smoke, eat, pay bills, work, have a car, etc, and got a $600 bonus the other day. Back to the original question by diclem – this money is going towards two new tyres for my car (had a blow-out on Saturday) and two tons of wood to get us through winter (hailing from Tassie here [earmuffs]).

    The one and only thing that MA has come up with that I agree with is concerning how the money alot of families are receiving is being spent. The most worrying results so far have been the increased violence in Aboriginal communities, attributed to alcohol, and the turnover from the pokies increasing by up to 80%. The fact that these events were noted the week that the bonus was received does lead me to believe that perhaps the bonus could have been issued as specific to food and clothing outlets or local businesses like the tyre selling place [rolleyesanim] !!!

    I did CHOOSE to have a child and I also CHOSE to raise him on my own. Along the way though I’ve also chosen to work at times when I would have earned more on the pension, I’ve also chosen to live within my means (ie. 16 year old car with crappy tyres and no hint of a social life).

    I hate dole-bludgers, bad parenting, drug taking affecting other peoples lives and criminals. But I also hate it when people choose to judge my life and the choices I have made in the said same as a means for collectively slamming entire groups of people with just one common denominator. In the context of this argument that could be those that choose not to have kids, those that do have kids, we’re now going gay (waiting on Kay here)… the list is endless.

    I love being a single parent, I love my giant baby, I love getting ahead at work, in life and in the property game with the odds against me for the very reason that I am a single parent.

    ALL HAIL ME !!! [lmao]

    (maybe the next $600 can go towards IP # 3…)

    Just signed up a new PM in Darwin.

    10.5% and 1.5 weeks rent !!!

    The dramas experienced with other PM’s recently in Darwin has made me desperate[crying]. If this mob actually ‘manage’ my IP I’m willing to pay.

    Dear iamboring,

    (that’s it… that’s all I wanted to say).

    eewwww …

    Some of us WERE eating… [puke]

    Easy Peasy!!!

    Another one please… [cigar]

    RICHO… legend!!!

    Must have had something other than hair transplanted !!!


    [sick3] – this is me.

    It’s Friday afternoon, I’ve just been volunteered to finish a job that will take about another TEN HOURS to do, I have a headache (yes, yes… self-inflicted)… need I go on.

    I just wish the boss could see the green in me…

    Maybe I’ll tell him it’s contagious…

    … and can be fatal … and ‘bits’ drop off before you welcome death with open arms and a grateful sigh …

    Best put my angry eyes away and move on.

    Have a good weekend all – someone has to *sniff*.



    It feels like I’ve been wandering aimlessly through the forum since the changes… but then I do that anyway [evo]

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