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  • bkw319 replied to the topic Split Loan Decision in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    If the taxpayer wins I predict that the ATO will just change the law in its favour anyway.[xx(]

  • bkw319 replied to the topic Hi everyone – new member. in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Hi :)

  • bkw319 replied to the topic Steve! Unreasonable Request!! in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    I’d suggest that a private email would be more appropriate than putting him on the spot in this forum.

  • bkw319 replied to the topic dodgy practise in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Sounds as dodgy as hell.

    Do they want your business or not?

    I’d look elsewhere.

  • bkw319 replied to the topic Building and pest inspections? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    hey guys,

    i know have too much to say but gimme some credit. i alerady wrote down teh george’s number in teh first (or second?) sentence. here it is again:

    george from top shot @ 0411 426 982

    remember, don’t learn teh tricks of the trade….learn the trade.


    cheers [:D]

    Have adrink for me! [;)]

  • bkw319 replied to the topic An important distinction… in the forum No Subject 22 years ago

    Excuse me for being the cynic but I get more than a little bemused by suggestions that making money isnt a big factor in real estate investment.

    Come on now!

    It’s like all these people who say that money isnt one of the most important things about their job, but the boss doesnt grant that expected pay rise and all hell breaks loose. You see this…[Read more]

  • bkw319 replied to the topic Robert Kiyosaki a conman? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    Have fun AD.

    I find you to be the most helpful person on this site.

    You deserve a good break. [8D]

  • bkw319 replied to the topic Loan structure in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago

    My simple advise is this:

    If you are still paying of your loan on your PPOR and have equity you are using from that property then you should purchase your investment property on an interest only loan and use any additional funds to pay down your debt on your PPOR, thereby increasing equity.

