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  • BKelly replied to the topic Roll Call in the forum No Subject 21 years, 6 months ago


    Funnily enough, Me & My Alias are one and the same.

    I’m a newby.

    In fact, this is the second ever post I have done on the internet. I have ben “forum phobic” since the internet existed. I’m no techno wiz, extremely unsure about how it all works, and let the fear control me….. Until Today!


    I am 38, have a magnificent wife Julie,…[Read more]

  • BKelly replied to the topic LITTLE BLACK DUCK NEEDS HELP! in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 6 months ago


    Question… ??

    What is your ultimate goal?

    Retire by 40 is great, but for what purpose? What do you want to do after 40? If you live to 90ish, that’s a lot of golf! What is driving you to achieve this goal?

    I can’t fault your approach, and theres much to learn so the journey should be fun, but what’s at the end?

    As a suggestion, if your…[Read more]


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