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  • Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    If anyone chooses to go with carpet, my hubby is a carpet layer (27yrs exp) and can pass onto you substantial savings compared to retail outlets. He can source, advise, quote and install. (Has done lots of rental properties). Based in outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne but will travel within reason. PM if anyone is ever interested.
    Cheers [biggrin]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    press release


    Mount Isa, Thursday 9 December 2004

    Xstrata has today launched a new Community Partnership Program that will contribute $4 million over the next three years to improving services and facilities in the north Queensland communities of Mount Isa , Cloncurry, Townsville and Bowen.

    This amount includes the $1 million commitment to the Buchanan Park redevelopment project in Mount Isa announced by Xstrata plc’s Chairman Willy Strothotte on 6 October, 2004.

    The program is in addition to the $460,000 to be spent by Xstrata in 2005 in the north Queensland communities on sponsorships, donations and other community support initiatives.

    The Xstrata Community Partnership Program in north Queensland was developed following extensive consultation with local groups and residents over the past twelve months.

    This process allowed Xstrata to identify the areas of greatest need in the north Queensland communities where the company’s employees live and work, with a particular focus on education and health, and to develop partnerships with local groups and government to address them.

    The program addresses six key areas, namely enterprise and job creation, education, environment, social and community, health, and arts and culture. A full list of initiatives and community partners is attached.

    It also includes a substantial commitment to addressing the skills shortage in the mining industry in north Queensland with a tripling of the apprenticeship intake over the next three years, and more traineeships, bursaries and scholarships. The funding for this skills initiative will be in addition to the $4 million Community Partnership funding.(See separate press release.)

    Xstrata Copper Chief Executive Charlie Sartain said the community partnership program was a demonstration of the company’s belief that local communities should benefit from the company’s operations both in the short and long term.

    “I look forward to sharing the benefits of our business performance with our employees, communities and our partner organisations through this program,” he said.

    “The program’s strength lies in the fact that it directly addresses the areas of most concern to local people, such as quality education for their children, access to medical care and youth employment and training.”

    Funding for the program is part of Xstrata plc’s commitment to Corporate Social Involvement (CSI). The company contributes at least one percent of its pre-tax profit to community initiatives. In 2003 this amounted to US$6.7 million, 1.9 per cent of pre-tax profit.

    The program was launched in Mount Isa today by the Queensland Minister for State Development and Innovation and Member for Mount Isa, Hon. Tony McGrady, MP.

    Mr McGrady said he was pleased to welcome Xstrata as a partner in the Queensland Government’s commitment to build a better State with stronger communities.

    “I congratulate Xstrata for working with us to create a sustainable future for Mount Isa , Cloncurry, Townsville and Bowen,” he said.

    “This is all about making sure Queensland ‘s regions remain great places to work and live.”

    Mount Isa Mayor Cr Ron McCullough said the program was a most welcome display of corporate responsibility as well as a demonstration of Xstrata’s commitment to local communities.

    “The investment in community support will ease the burden on local organisations and allow them to concentrate on improving the wellbeing of the population at large,” he said.

    Cloncurry Shire Mayor Cr Ed Morrison said that the Cloncurry Shire supported Xstrata on this initiative which would assist in stimulating the commercial and social needs of residents in the region.

    “Cloncurry Shire Council congratulates Xstrata on this terrific boost for communities in the north west of Queensland and looks forward to further partnering opportunities both with Xstrata and other businesses,” he said.

    The Xstrata Community Partnership Program in north Queensland supports the company’s transformation of its north Queensland operations where it is delivering significant and sustainable performance improvements.

    This year, Xstrata has committed over $115 million to major new projects including additional development of the Enterprise underground copper mine, copper smelter capital improvement projects, and the development of the Black Star zinc-lead open pit mine all at Mount Isa ; and gas conversion at the Townsville copper refinery.

    Commenting on the program launch and business transformation process, Mr Sartain said, “I believe these new projects and the Xstrata Community Partnership Program in north Queensland will assist in creating an exciting era of opportunity, cooperation and involvement for Xstrata and the local communities in north Queensland.”

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    Thanks Redwing. I didn’t realize it would be so difficult to just get a yes or no answer?![confused2]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
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    That’s what I thought!! Just made me think how many things you need to consider when purchasing. I know the area and knew that a planning permit had been posted on the property over six months ago for the construction of Units (and been taken down since) BUT as a novice purchaser, looking at the neighbouring property that WAS there, the last thing you would think to ask is, any plans for it to disappear overnight??!![blush2]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
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    We have a partnership tax structure so maybe that has enabled us to claim – either way the accountant said we can claim, so we do.[blush2]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
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    Hi, I’ve been claiming Steve’s seminars, personal development seminars, magazines, books and any material related to investing or improving our chances of investing successfully for years without a hitch – don’t see why anyone else can’t. Cheers [biggrin]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
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    Well I finished the book! What a fantastic read! What amazed me was the warts and all story that unfolded, it was so refreshing to read about the problems that the mappers first encountered and how they overcame them (and those that didn’t). There are so many pearls in this book – from the Do-Doing-Done model, the problem+solution=profit, money follows management, cashflow profits are made not bought, targeting success and so much more!
    I really feel that having read this book I now “get it” and I trust that everyone else who reads this book will also “get it”.
    Fabulous book Steve – can’t recommend it highly enough. My “a-ha” moment – closing the book at the last page and realizing “I get it”!!!

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    Well you’ve done it again Steve – another awesome book! I received it yesterday and am already half way through it. It’s so easy to read and the information just flows so well. The information is so practical and common sense that it makes for a recipe for success. I can’t wait to finish the book.
    I have one question though:
    You say that you only acquire a property for positive cashflow (I get that) OR you find a way to make it positive cashflow. I’m wondering if you ever use depreciation as a way to turn something into a positive cashflow property?
    I know that you have said in the past that depreciation needs to be repaid upon sale so I just wondered if in any circumstances you do use depreciation?

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    I looked into this as well – it sounded OK until you dig deeper and find out all the hidden expenses, to name just a few:
    window cleaning, pabx levy, mattress protector, shower curtain, advertising, managers commission, cleaning, service, linen, repairs and maintenance, drycleaning, postage, credit card transaction fees, sinking fund, locksmith etc etc etc, the list can be huge AND that’s just in one month!! I’m quoting directly from a printout I received on a Unit in Qld.
    What looks good in the first instance, can look pretty bloody sad after you do your due diligence.
    My advice, forget it, there are much better deals.

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    What an awesome title – certainly an attention grabber! I’m sold! Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy and my first $1,000,000 portfolio[biggrin]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    Absolutely! It’s full of working examples for purchasing properties, graphs showing property trends, buying problems – finding solutions, negotiating, finance, to mention just a few differences.
    The beauty of it is that you are getting it from the horses mouth (so to speak) live, with little pearls dropped in here and there that are not in the book. A book is always left open to your interpretation but I find that listening to it from Steve you get the full picture crystal clear.
    I’m finding it to be an invaluable asset.[biggrin]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    My advice is speak to an accountant that understands property investing. That’s exactly what I just did this very day with Gatherum-Goss in Melbourne and I got some excellent advice regarding setting up a Hybrid Trust for our investment properties. Mind you our “former” accountant sounded just like yours – you need to do the research over the web, talk with a good Solicitor and Accountant and if all else fails get a hold of Steve’s CD set Wealth Guardian, that explains your options really well. It is a bit to wrap your brain around to start with, but once you understand it all – it’s the only way to go, imo. Cheers[thumbsupanim]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    Just found out about it and bugger I’ll be in Queensland [glum2] BUT I’ve been in touch with my girlfriend and convinced her to go for me and take notes – I hate missing out on really GOOD information that’s up-to-date. Enjoy all you lucky people who get to go! [thumbsupanim]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    Check out “Guru Watch” there is a posting under Margaret Lomas – should answer your question. [biggrin]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    Great! I’ll make every effort to get along. What name is the booking in?[suave2]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
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    Blackburn Hotel – 111 Whitehorse Road, Blackburn between Middleborough Road & Blackburn Road Melways 47 K9.
    I fully intended to come along BUT I too had forgotten about Mother’s Day doh!
    I’ll be there next time round.[confused2]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    Hey, welcome. My advice is to check out the archives and just work your way through the various posts already here, there is a wealth of valuable information. Happy reading.[grad]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    Very profound! Very factual! Very Wise! Very Clever!!! [suave2]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    Thanks Peter, your quite right, I don’t really expect to find anything CBD or suburban for that money but thought I’d put it out there just in case. I have found one option I’m following up near Moe for $50pw. I thought I might find a win-win solution here with all these property investors I was hoping there might be one or two looking for a good tenant. Can’t hurt to ask [biggrin]

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    I agree with your analogy regarding “the comfort zone” and taking a leap of faith that you can make things happen. I had the pleasure of hearing James Daniels speak last week about his rise to fortune, (now 71yrs) he began his journey illiterate but read the dictionary from front to back three times until he understood every word and their meaning – he also used his fear to keep moving him forward. I believe that fear is the major factor that everyone struggles with, I’m no exception.
    You might like to write about how you overcame or dealt with your fear, assuming you had any, when you began your journey into property investing.
    Keep up the good work.[thumbsupanim]

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