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  • binvip1331 replied to the topic To Trust or not to Trust: that is the question. in the forum Legal & Accounting 15 years, 11 months ago

    I think the first question to ask is .. why you need to have a trust to own your IPs. it will all depend on personal individuals levels. if you are an employee and don't have a high risk business or life background. why would you get yourself into a complicated structure which makes your life much more complicated. unless you start with purchasing…[Read more]

  • binvip1331 replied to the topic Basic questions – really new to property investing in the forum Hi mate..I have been in the 15 years, 11 months ago

    Hi mate..I have been in the taxation field for a few years, in the past most of my boss;s clients would use a company called " Depro" for their IP capital depreciation report, they are one of the popular and professional ones. I personally have used them as well. they are not bad….I usually deal directly with the bank for the loan purpose, why…[Read more]


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