Forum Replies Created
G’day Phil…
Don’t be so bloody impatient… sit tight and cool it. Real Estate is Long term.
If you own… HOLDIf you’re considering buying ..WAIT
If you’re considering Selling.. NOW
If you’re a Wrapper…………1-3 years ago
If you’re a Wrappee…………1-3 years agoCheers
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day…
Well, she was Blonde and with a fig
Sorry wrong Forum
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day all…
Like most of you I too have been hassled by well meaning friends to “sign up”.
The best answer you can give them is this…
” Come back and ask me 12 months from today, and if you’re still involved I will sign up”.You stay friends and of course they will have moved on… no one has ever come back to sign me up.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Fullout…
When you signed the agreement with your slack agent, perhaps without you realising it, you would have given them authority to sign any lease on your behalf. As such, I expect you are committed to the lease with your tenant.
If you feel you have any claim…it would be the Agent and not your Tenant. If you are not getting the level of service you were led to believe… get rid of them.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Azrael….
As I have voluntarily banned myself from the Wrapps area… how about you post this in the Vendor Finance/Wrappers Forum.
Thanks for posting, put it where it will be read.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Benny…
You are great at researching.
It looks like something that I have written. Maybe it should be posted in the “Wrappers section” with my name on it… but I’m not realistic according to those clowns …just negative.
Seems we may have lost an intelligent voice in Kay Henry ( I hope not )… she’s had a gutfull of the pathetic Wrappers that can’t fathom simple mathematics. Wonder who’ll be next? If they could only read a handfull of the 1100 emails I’ve had since late September, they may realise that perhaps they are misguided after all.
No Benny… you can’t amend my post
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Benny….
How about you cut it in half.. post as Part 1 & 2
I’d enjoy reading it as I have banned myself from the “Wrappers” forum….. for a little while.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Benny…
I think your accountant may be wrong. As you initially went into the deal to earn income, not only is the loss incurred tax deductible ,but should/could be offset against income in the same or future years.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Rocket….
The ATO lost. Legislation would have to be changed
for you to now be unable to capitalise interest on IP Loan(s).Terry sent this link…
Talk to your Bank and perhaps your accountant….
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex. Jake….
Seasonal factor… and a selling frenzy, prior to worse to come for sellers after Xmas…wait till end Feb/march…an accumulation of unsold properties that failed at auctions.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Steve…
You misread the Story mate…
He told the Investors he was trading in Currencies. The “money laundering” or whatever it was, is what he was conned into. He was as thick as two bricks, buggered if I know how people invested anything with him.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day xyzzy…
Thought you were going to say Jugiong for a minute
Pleased you found the “Old Place”. Know any good restorers or careful brikkies?
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Benny…
How could you forget so soon…
What about..
BSS’s….. FBSSOG……..Endless list
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Alf…
Geez mate, I wouldn’t cop his fees or his attitude. Why not get in touch with head office and tell them you are seriously considering taking your biz elsewhere.
They need borrowers Alf.
BillBill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day ddtaprell…
You have some good ideas already… But, if it was my daughter and boyfriend downstairs I’d be helping them out quicksmart.
What I would give serious consideration to is “what if”. “Cut a deal today” at $220-$240
make repayments/lease affordable and then how do you ensure your daughter and your family are not creating a problem for yourself down the track as far as fair eqity for all concerned in the event of a breakup. You may be gifting them $50k + in true value and making it affordable… maybe that should be your daughters share…. You are definetly guaranteed that you will always have a daughter … no guarantee that you will always have the son in law to be.I cannot think of any other way to put this to you, but it would be my first concern to protect my daughters interest.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Mel…
You are absolutely correct.
You own shares and not Real Estate!
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Celivia….
I have never heard of Cameron Bird in property, there is an accountancy firm by that name.
In any case… I would avoid any Investment Company selling property. If the one you have mentioned runs something like this…
One stop shop… Solicitor, Valuer, Finance, discounted prices etc etc…Many people to be paid and take a chunk out of your “so called” investment. Don’t believe any PI Companies Valuation… if you insist on doing biz with them.. at least get your own Independant Valuation … At times they can have the valuer in their pocket….. If you buy it will probably be at $40k or more above true value.
Suggest you run don’t walk in the opposite direction.Stop and think about it… the reason you and everyone else is finding it increasingly difficult to find +cf properties is that the Market has had a huge increase in price. The Bull market is now 6 years old and feel we are about to see some values decline. Vacancy rates are increasing… a precurser to a drop in price
Cheers and please proceed with caution
BillBill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Jenny…
As I said, a gold mine in the mid-nineties. I made more than $500k with it. I discussed, patents with the Legal Eagles but to no avail.
The best Mortgage Reduction Tool then and now.
ps. Investigate the split loans with Interest capitalised on the Investment Property.Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Muppett…
I never sleep before 2:00am.
You don’t know what a NZ BSS is?
More fun if you don’t.Cheers
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages,Share Market Strategies.’day…
Foreclosures, Mortgagees in Posession ?
They have a duty to get the best possible price and although
“A Mortgagee in Posession” may attract the hopefulls…you will pay market price!Cheers
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages,Share Market Strategies.