Forum Replies Created
G’day Steve…
Get in touch with David Paxton 007 in Adelaide,
Im sure he’s got some answere for youCheers
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day again…
I arrived at my Real Estate Office one Saturday morning. The Property Manager was her usual busy self for a Saturday. I got talking with one of the prospective tenants. I asked her “What can we do to improve our Service”?
She said “I don’t understand why you agents don’t put the address in the paper”. I think I said something stupid like “thats how we have always done it”.
We did the occaisional “open house” for 30 minutes and that always worked. But in Rental Adverts.. never the address. We were just like all the other agents. Except, I had asked “that” question of a tenant.It got me thinking! I rang a few competitors and got the usual… “that’s the way we do it”… or “security reasons”.
Stopping to think about it…. security? No different to a vacant house with a For Sale sign out front. So I changed our adverts, font changed,
Headline on Advert and with address in bold. We rented 12 properties the first weekend, giving us an almost zero vacancy factor, that was in the mid 90’s. A few competitors copied for a while, but eventually went back to their old ways.Have a look at Rental Adverts, even today, and you’ll find the majority still don’t have an address.
That one question gave me another idea that should be used in all businesses, not now….
another time!Cheers
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Kay…
Not only have you upset “Sadie”, I think she may have pulled the pin as Moderator. I suggested she gets counselling but she said “no I think Kay’s right”.
Probably won’t see or hear from “Sadie”ever again.
I can call her that, but I don’t think you can.Not sure what you can do to redeem yourself Kay, if I think of anything I’ll let you know.
Wish I could help
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day..
Mini’s yarn reminds me of my similar approach in the Canberra Market. For years I have had access to Historical Data in that Market. It is so easy now to access to get just about anything you want for the past 10 years.
With each Sold Property you get the land values for the past 10 years and any other times it’s ben sold within that period and of course the Selling Price.
I even ran stats on Individual Agents Listing Price to Eventual Sale Price. On average the Sale Price is 94% of the initial Listed Price, this is the case Australia wide.Maybe not as reliable in recent times though. They form a pattern for most agents. One in particular is listed at Selling Price + 12% consistantly.
If you live in Canberra…pick a suburb and print off the “Past Sales” and “For Sales” from Allhomes, and within 4-6 weeks you will be able to drive past a house and be within a few % of it’s true value.
Anywhere else in Aussie just buy the info by Post Code for the previous 12 months. If you’re serious about it update the records yourself from new adverts and find a friendly agent to share info with.
Don’t be surprised to find “Sold Prices” different to what you have been told. Even disappointed Vendors will often tell you that they “got their price” after several obvious price reductions. Agents will also price a sold property Up or Down depending if they are talking to a Buyer or Seller.
Check out
David.. You did well with your figures on that Commercial Deal with the classrooms. Find one like that for me please….Bill
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day you Timid Bunch…
I’ll be the Bunny and go first!
November 1993, four of us attended a “Brainstorming Session” in an office in Canberra. I had the makings of what we all now refer to as ” Mortgage Reduction”. It looked a goer… except .. if you pay all your salary into your mortgage ” How do you live for that First month?
Eventually, someone wrote on the whiteboard “Bankcard”. That proved to be the Missing Link. So simple, so easy… “Why didn’t I think of that earlier”?
The rest, of course is history. The Advance Bank wrote to their customers to introduce the concept and invited them to call my mobile number. The phone melted. One Appt. every night with a success rate of 1:1.6…that’s not 16, but 1.6.
Every Bank in Aussie now has a variation of my original program. An associate has taken it to London and Ireland… working like a charm… All because someone said “What about Bankcard”?
What is your…. What about or What if?
Get the Idea?
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Forextrader…
We give you a hiding whenever we play cricket, our Aussie$ is giving your Pound a hammering, we
give you an extra 20 minutes at Rugby and then you can only just scrape home. Give us a break…Tell you what you could do…
Sell 17 million BP… Buy 14 million AUD$
Good spread guaranteed.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex. Benny…
Got your email mate, someone dragged up the old mentoring post and I’ve been swamped again. Not that I mind, will try and email you late tonight or Sunday.
Cheers…. hope you understand
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Shanthi…
You’re welcome!
Be in touch..
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Sue…
Babies and kids are easy, teenagers are tougher again. Then when they leave home and have kids of their own…………………it continues.
ps. You’re like the guy with the wheelbarrow…. it’s all ahead of you.Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Scotty…
You may be new to this Forum but you sure picked up on the crap didn’t you?
Got your email and will contact you later.
Hope you got your dough back.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex. Bronwen…
Extra busy with drect Q’s to my email… The sort of questions people are reluctant to post on a Forum.
Also concerning the trouble you lot could be getting yourself into while Im away. I’ll clean up the mess your making when I get back in a few days..
I appreciate your attitude and concern. xxxx
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Tools…
I see your from NSW… Not too farfrom the Yass district I hope?
I need good sound advice… Convict built “formerInn” …!846 Convivt built,,, lime morter,,, no cement,,, Help? Please contact me I wish tio restore,,, 55 minutes,from Canberra,, invaluable… thats where ny heart is, Please help/
I intend to live there,,in tent if need be..Wile being restored.. registered with Historical Society
Cheers Bill
02 63421274 0419 636 449
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Phil…
I meant if you are going to sell… better now than after Xmas.
I did not mean that homeowners should start “trading” the market. Even if Canberra does drop 20% the cost of buying and selling won’t justify selling.
Kay… I think Mini is refering to $120pw on a cheapie in NZ ?Cheers
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day C2…
30 years… but out before the BER came in.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day All…
The price range..$340-$370 is a shonky practise by agents that increases their chance of listing the Vendors property.
They avoid the one price the Vendor doesn’t want to hear. For example if the Agent thought $325k, and he tells the Vendor he runs the risk on losing the biz to a competitor. Eventually the range is reduced as the Vendor is conditioned by the agent and the market price. This IS the real reason for a price range despite what an agent may tell you.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day C2…
What’s the time over there?
Standard settlement time 30 days …usually Auctions. 60-90 days negotiable 45-60 usual.
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Jet…
The title of this Post is timely and True!
We all like activity and hate sitting on our hands, and waiting. If we don’t we willregret it.
Profit is made, When & Where we purchase.
As for tenants/vacancy… make sure the Agents are not hiding the reality like here in Cowra. In any case, the vacancy rate is only one factor. Very few areas will be spared in the downturn underway.
It is not like the Share Mkt that goes down like an Elevator. It will take many months before Vendors face reality and drop prices if they must sell. Even then, don’t forget that properties are on averaged sold at 94% of their listed price.
Oh.. Kay Henry leaving? Just a rumour I started.
BillBill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day Richmond…
You’re Q should have been ….
“Why are you interested in Investing Today”?Answer: Because after 6 years the crowd must be right, and now I’m convinced I can’t lose in any Real Estate Investment!
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day all…
The Machine Vending Scam…
I once had an agency for Vending Machines…short lived… and here is the industries con…
I had sold about 6 machines to individual investors machines that were well located in Canberra. I mentioned to Sydney Head Office that one of the “Investors” would definetely purchase 10 more macines if the 1st one went according to plan regarding revenue.
I was told to make sure that it did… maybe I was a bit slow back then… but I didn’t understand what the meant.
The Scam is that the machines are “salted” just like the gold mines. I was told to “load the coin box” every day for a month. I terminated the Agency and warned the clients. I discovered this practise was widespread in the industry.
Other machines I’d sold the takings dropped from around $100 pw to less than $10pw as the novelty
of the machines wore off.Give them a big miss!
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.’day LuckyPhil…
Just want you to know that I’m pleased ……..”my little girl” Chanelle is in good hands. Are you aware that she rings me up with …….
“Phil didn’t come home last night”?AND
“I’m sure he wouldn’t eat if I didn’t cook”!
She’s happy there mate…………. Thanks
Don’t tell her I told you………
Your Brother Bill
Bill O’Mara
Real Estate,Mortgages, Option Writing & Forex.