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  • Dwight‘s profile was updated 6 years ago

  • Dwight replied to the topic Conference 2017 in the forum Heads Up! 8 years ago

    I second everything Adrian has just said. I personally loved hearing Lisa McKinnes-Smith speaking again as there’s plenty of things I can change about how I talk to people.

    Already looking forward to next years event in Melbourne.

  • Dwight‘s profile was updated 8 years ago

  • BigVman replied to the topic Buyers advocates? in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    I did use a buyers agent about 5 years ago in Sydney. Being from Melbourne it was good to have eyes on the ground. All we were looking for was a unit close to the city that had potential for capital gain.

    We didn’t have expertise in the area so we went the BA route. To be honest I was expecting to be ripped off, but the guy was pretty spot on…[Read more]

  • BigVman replied to the topic Invest in Ballarat (Melbourne) in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    How much do you want the house? What are you prepared to pay for it?

    After you’ve worked this out you can take the emotion out of it.

    If its a buyers market leave your offer and walk away. There will always be aanother property even if it doesnt look like it right now.

    Best wishes,


  • BigVman replied to the topic Company Title – Help Needed in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    I have myself recently purchased a unit that was company title.

    As there are possible restrictions on use etc it does lower the price when compared to properties that are strata titled. So I don’t think it’s necessarily a win that it “appears” to be below market value.

    As Mick advises double check the company by laws to see if there’s anything…[Read more]

  • BigVman replied to the topic Investment Strategy in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    Jamie is right AVS.

    A lot gets down to your own personality and how aggressive an investor you are. You’re clearly coming from a position of strength.
    They key is not to put your money where you can’t get at it again when you want it. I personally like to put my money in on offset account so I retain control over it and put in as little deposit…[Read more]

  • BigVman replied to the topic Painting yourself v hiring a painter in the forum Value Adding 11 years ago

    I love painting when I can. It’s mainly for the emotional investment and getting my hands dirty. It always takes longer than you think it ought to. I’d pretty much back my quality over a yellow-pages job.

    But once you’ve finished the job, you say ‘Never again!’ At least until next time…

  • BigVman replied to the topic To buy or not to buy!? in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    I’m not a mortgage expert, there are others much more qualified who might give some specific advice.
    I have however found myself in the past in a situation where I wanted to take advantage of my ‘current’ good income and debt serviceability.
    I decided to target positive cashflow and planned to hold long term. With that in mind I borrowed as much…[Read more]

  • BigVman replied to the topic Lending from parents (Pros and Cons)? in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    I’ve borrowed from my parents in the past. In fact I currently have a loan from one parent and I’m paying market interest. So to me it’s a win-win. I get access to a little more than the bank will lend me and they get a little more interest than term deposit.

    I had a written loan agreement drawn up first and this is the very minimum to ensure…[Read more]

  • BigVman replied to the topic What else do you do? in the forum Forum Frolic 11 years ago

    I play indoor cricket. It’s great because everyone gets a go, not like the schoolyard days. Even though I bowl pies you don;t have to go fetch because of the net.


  • BigVman replied to the topic Cashflow Positive Property in the forum General Property 11 years ago

    Sorry mba,

    for some reason I thought it was your property.
    I don’t know about Kempsey as an area or what yields are generally.
    I can say that are the kinds of number that I’ve found and would lead me to consider the property as having good potential as a CF+ deal.
    I would always get to know the area, physically, at the street level before I…[Read more]

  • BigVman replied to the topic To buy or not to buy!? in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    The great thing is that you’re thinking about how to do it and seking advice before you take the next step.
    You’d be best off to seek out a mortgage broker to get an opnion as to any borrowing power.

    What you buy is dependent upon what goals you have. The property is only a vehicle to get you to where you want to go.
    Do you want chunks of gain or…[Read more]

  • BigVman replied to the topic Cashflow Positive Property in the forum General Property 11 years ago

    Is this a property you’re offering for sale?
    I’m not sure if the forum’s quite the right spot, but good luck.

  • BigVman replied to the topic “Don’t put lipstick on a PIG” in the forum Overseas Deals 11 years ago

    I reckon Nigel is on the money there. You have to be prepared to do your research and find the right property.
    And you need to have it structurally inspected. There’s nothing worse than having to repair thing that really add no value to the property, like electrical and plumbing.
    Everyone expects these to be in safe working order, so ‘fixing’…[Read more]

  • BigVman replied to the topic Steve's passive income fund in the forum Heads Up! 11 years ago

    I have personally invested in the fund and am happy with the performance to date.
    I have no affiliation other than as an investor. It’s a great way to get exposed to the US market without the hassles involved in doing it directly.
    My personal belief is that the fund is now bedded in and is very likely to start returning some very good results.
    I…[Read more]

  • BigVman replied to the topic self managing a property in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    I have seen both side of this situation.
    The question is: what are you going to do when there are problems like late rental, issues with repairs?
    Whilst it all sounds hunky dory in theory, it’s actually pretty hard to do when you live near to or are well known to the tenant.

    My Mum has been self managing her rental next door and I couldn’t think…[Read more]

  • BigVman replied to the topic Is there a catch? Investing in Over 55's Unit in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    I nearly invested in something similar about 12 months ago as I was looking for positive cashflow.
    In the end I passed on it and went for something else because I realised I wanted more control over the investment.

    In my example the numbers look OK on paper, but I was really relying on someone else to manage their investment, so I could then…[Read more]

  • BigVman replied to the topic Need Help to Start on Positive Cash Flow Investing in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    Is Don is good!

    You need to begin with the end in mind. I hold 8 +CF properties right now and the plan is to sell them if and when the yield drops from the current 9-10% to less than 7%.

    Nigel is also right. I don’t think a 6% return is really going to be positive cashlow in the medium to long term.

    Best of luck,


  • BigVman replied to the topic RESULTS Mentoring Program… in the forum Help Needed! 11 years ago

    Highly encourage you to take the plunge bigkev as I have done it myself in the past and found it to pay off for me.
    If anyone else has the same idea as kev it makes great sense to partner together to get an outcome.

    Best of luck,


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